
@j14: 11% unemployment but godamn I helped fix the iPhone problem with a single page letter!

Dear Senator Charles Schumer,

@Niklasnick: TBF, gizmodo didn't write this article

If only there was a link to a petition I could sign

@TX.Toast: I had 2 out of 3 get stuck in Oakland but they all ended up getting delivered the same time and skipped the 'out for delivery' phase completely.

@TX.Toast: Fedex tracking can be pretty poor at times. They don't actually scan each product at every stop but depend on 'logical scans'.

@superberg: I've never had a Seagate external drive last more than 6 months.

@superberg: I've never had a Seagate external drive last more than 6 months.

@danulp02: I still not sure what I'm arguing with Synthono about at this point but thanks for jumping in

ooTunes or wunderadio.

@SynthOno: You win. I feel like I'm in a debate with Anne Coulter on this one

@iphone_myphone: Don't let the truth stand in the way of hyperbole

@JakeMG: Bagels made the need for an upgrade.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: For what ever reason Apple is the media darling. News outlets happily run their commercials as 'news' items from announcement to launch. OTHO, Apple seems to be held to this miracle standard that any flaw in a piece of electronics they produce gets magnified 10000x.