
@resisx: It's soccer in Ireland as well

@zerovampire311: Maybe we should start throwing 16 year olds off buildings in hoping that they will evolve wings on the way down

Our US Air flight had this from CLT-SFO. pretty cool.

@slf1: me too

I hope I'm not at the mall when the kids decide to try this out

It's so hard to find porn on the internet nowadays

I'm currently syncing my iPhone, over-the-air via google's exchange server, with my gmail and google calender.

@Go Vols!: there's also a direct correlation to Gaza intrusion settlements and rocket attacks but that hasn't stopped Israel from adding more settlements

That Bush Doctrine sure was great, huh? Israel can now attack anyone, anytime, anywhere with impunity and the US cannot say a word against them.

@FriarNurgle: Slacker! Get back to work before the media gets another story

Will all the ultrasound offices have free WiFi access now?

@Stephen.Lecheler: That is why you always take it. Like it or not you are just a placeholder in the corporate mentality. They will never shed a tear or give a second thought about screwing you if it suits them.

@keenish27: Time to me is more valuable than money

Can someone please explain to me how someone cannot accomplish their job duties in a 40 hour work week?

I'm going to live forever then

@mirolator: I've always ran my departments with built-in redundancies so that if someone took vacation or God forbid got sick we could still function.