
I suppose that’s the worst part about where we’re at now; there are so many infected people that even very strict lockdowns won’t “solve” anything unless it’s universal. They still keep deaths and hospitalization rates down of course, but the possibility of reintroduction from the millions of other infected people

Oh the correlation is that a (sensible) government, local or otherwise, is going to react to those new cases by extending shelter-in-place or other procedures. And that those measures wouldn’t be rolled back until either at best spread is slowing/decreasing or at worst the healthcare system is managing the load

Every time we say “let the idiots get sick” we’ve added time to the clock for how long this will take.

So people go and get sick, and sure fuck them. But we don’t have the contact tracing and testing in place to stop them from going out a spreading through LA, various airports, and back to their own communities.

I’m not

They made a cinematic trailer for their lawsuit. That’s about as “publicity stunt” as you can get.

Just consider this; even with Epic’s advances in tech to make cinematic creation faster there was still a meeting where lawyers met with animators. There was probably a producer in there, I’ll bet someone from marketing

Amazingly I watched the ATM episode last night! I’m rewatching the whole series with my partner who never saw it. Admittedly the last time I saw most of the episodes was when they aired so it’s been a while.

Yeah I can imagine that place was a...fixer upper??

It’s probably the best example I can think of, save for maybe

* The more you touch your face the worse off you are
* What, you going for a lot of long drives man?
* If you don’t yet have a mask that’s comfortable enough you can do a short drive with it on why not? You had six months.
* Virtue signaling - I even run with my mask on. It sucks and I don’t like it but if I can do it

A friend was living in the ABQ area when the show was at its peak popularity. He often talked about the tourists who would come to town to see the shooting locations...and then get grumpy/disappointed that they were just houses, gas stations, etc. And that these ordinary places were obviously not set up to handle

I agree, but I remember back before the Snyder film came out a lot of people I knew were trying to read the graphic novel first.

And it stands as the only time I have heard multiple people, independently, say they stopped reading a comic “because there was too much reading”

That said, all of those people were trying to

A question for fans of the show: I want to watch it with my girlfriend but she has not read the comic nor seen the Snyder film. How required/recommended are those in your opinions?