
And now I know to skip this game for about a year, just to be safe.

Meanwhile, Half-Life fans are just like “2 months longer? Oh that’s adorable.”

For the most part general reaction to him seems to range from “He’s a terrible Heath Ledger knock off/ Worse than expected” to “Not in the movie enough to decide.” from what I’ve heard.

Winston is hardly a counter to D.va, if anything she counters him. His gun is terrible against armor, which D.va is far from lacking. He’s a large target with only normal HP who has to be within her optimal range to damage her and can not take advantage of her massive crit-box, he’s a dream opponent for D.va.

You monster.

So are you gonna tell it ISN’T a hell hole? Because literally every, easily found fact says otherwise.

Ya know what will REALLY encourage spoofing? Taking away every possible tool to actually play the damn game normally.

Nah I loved it, it’s easily one of the better Godzilla films. Not THE best, but easily among the best.

How about the fixed the damned radar THEN talk about going after these other tools.

Holy fucking hell people, READ THE DAMN ARTICLE.

Her previous outfit was perfectly fine, this is her showing how absurd her boss was and is being.

Because now you have to worry about carrying a bag around instead of just wearing shorts like normal, which defeats the entire damn point.

It’s also pretty damn hard to stop a good Tracer from jumping in, ulting the healer, and jump out resulting in a severely weakened defense/offense.

Well then we need to change that, can’t really use the form fitting alien suit excuse for boob plates.........or maybe it’s just a really stupid excuse for sexing up power rangers.

So then we’ll have form fitting dick covers right?


No, it’s really not fact. That is also your opinion.

Reaper should get the Jesus skin. I mean he did come back from the dead essentially.

I’m confused, there were choices other then cool blue?