
I dropped out at the end of season 4, when I realized the entire season was misery-porn without a goal. There was no point, just bad things happening with no immediate purpose or cause. Psychopaths enabled by the indifferent to stand by while the incompetent commit literal murder. And not to serve any greater theme,

Try also the BBC series “A stitch in time”. The presenter analyses an historical portrait within the context of the time, and her team of tailors/dressmakers recreates the garment to fit her, so that she can reflect on what it was like to actually wear the garment

Didn’t see S5. It’s of course never been “in real time” but still, to drag 11 months out across 6 years of a show... it’s a lot.

Each season isn’t a year. Season 5 was over the course of like 1 or two days.

About two years ago I completely forgot that I watched this show. Season 6... 6? Really?

Best tips and tricks thread:

I finally got Big Foot to get in the pool on Thursday and again briefly yesterday. Apparently it is her fear of seizure while in the water that has been keeping her out of it. Fingers crossed, she will make it one more hour and then she will have only had 2 for the month of June. I also believe that by this time next

I’m so sorry about your mom. I hope you’re doing okay; if you’re not, you can always talk to me.

I can’t wait to see this, but I think I’m going to have to delay it so I don’t terrify children by ugly crying. I just went through a fairly awful time while my Mom was in ICU on life support and... well let’s suffice to say as kind of the go to ‘handler’ of things and stuff, I haven’t had a full on melt down yet, but


No.  You are not alllowed to announce your retirement on the same day as Kennedy.  Pick another day.


I audibly gasped as well and then promptly teared up and did my best not to cry. Movies generally don’t make me cry, but this one really took me for a ride. All these other white people feigning ignorance must be super dense, because it doesn’t take having an Asian background to figure out what this short was about.

“Let us pause here for a moment and give thanks once again to those brave voices of The Left who would not be cowed by the extortionate pleadings of Hillary Rodham Clinton to remember the importance of the Supreme Court while casting their precious vanity ballots in November of 2016. Well done, dilettantes.” - Charlie

I loved this short so much! I surprised to find myself crying (stupid pms). I don’t get how any person, non-Asian or not, could possibly be confused by the story. It was not confusing at all—there were only a few characters and the action was so obvious that no words were needed. Methinks those people are either

When people interrupt me, I stop talking. I just... stop. I let them say their thing, and then I don’t pick up where I was. I let them linger in the silence that they caused. It might be passive aggressive but it feels so good. 

My boyfriend does this whenever we have to wear nice clothing. He had the audacity to complain about his dress shoes being uncomfortable when I was wearing heels. I get that it's acceptable for men to wear sneakers all the damn time, but it's not like I killed the nerves on my feet. I've just learned to live with

I feel like Evangeline Lily is perfect example of an entertainer who really is just a regular lady versus being “relatable” as a media strategy.

My dad, a white guy, repeatedly lost his shit when anyone interrupted him in a conversation. Keep in mind this guy interrupted everyone else, unilaterally ended topics of conversation if he doesn’t like what’s being said, and accused me of “talking back” when he can’t defend his arguments. (He once spanked me for