
And just so we're clear on the specifics, Miss Fisher's graduating high school class had 674 students. She would have had to be in the top 67 students in her class in order to be in the top 10%; she graduated No. 82. She also only had an SAT score of 1180, when the average at UT in 2008 was in the 1200s. http://jezebel

Yeah, actually, I do know the argument of her case because I teach in the university system of Texas. As an applicant, she didn't meet the basic standards for acceptance at UT; for 90% of its freshmen class, UT guarantees race-blind admission to students graduating in the top 10% of their high school. As you can see

Well said! This girl sounds completely obnoxious especially considering that she still ended up with a great job in Austin; she's better off than 95% of the world's 23 year olds. UT needs to do a lot to improve its treatment of minority students (taking a stronger stance against things like 'bleach bombings' would be

Hooray! And if anyone has a good cheese biscuit recipe, I could definitely use it, as I just tossed my "Lady and Sons" cookbook in the trash, ya'll!

I know! He and the blonde hair...a total miscast.

Personally, it's the dating at 18 and pregnant at 19 that I find even weirder. I just don't know that many 20 year old guys who would make awesome fathers.

I watched Anna Karenina the other night and lost a half hour of my life to reading up on the May-December liasion of the Taylor-Johnsons. I didn't fine him a very convincing Vronsky (certainly, he's no Sean Bean), but I wonder if they gave him the part of the illicit lover because of the hype around his own love life.

Oh boy. Just wait til you get to the Ryan Cabrera cameo. It's a lot of bloated, aging pop tart magic.

That what I thought at first, too, but the only reason I think the "based on" thing is a bit loose is because it seems like Coppola verbatim copied things that Alexis Neiers actually said — "I could lead a country one day" — into the script. So it seems like she really just changed the names to avoid lawsuits. (All

Yeah, this was a problematic choice, although not that surprising given the filmmaker. I also thought I read something along the lines of Coppola paying Neiers to be a "consultant" on the film — but I don't know if she made the same offers to Rachel Lee and Tamayo. And, if she had, would they be judged more harshly

Alright, I'll step up to the plate. Here is why I, as a crass American, am actually interested in the particular brand of celebrity culture represented by the Royals: it's because they're famous, but they have no choice in the matter. Every other celebrity in America has asked for it; they've sold their souls to

Your friends are awesome. I'd registered for a lifetime of industrial-sized bottles of Nutella.

I don't know if it's rude, but I would love a personal gift. For all of my really good friends who've gotten married, I've given gifts off the registry because if I see something I know they'll love, I think that's a lot better than a $20 salad spinner.

In my ideal world, my response would have been "then give me back my jolly ranchers, bish."

"Weddings are to make money for your future."

Interesting! I guess it is a bit concerning that some of the "rewards" center on weight loss, but at least it's not based purely on BMI. I wonder if these programs will make it through the state exchanges; you would figure these kinds of incentives would make this a more popular policy, even in more conservative

I know. I guess this could open a whole can of worms in terms of weight, employment and surveillance. I"m currently trying to shed my "dissertation 15"...but what if I like to run outside some mornings? Or do a yoga video? Or something that can't be tracked and reported to my insurance? Would you have to be weighed

Ooh, a CSA share. That sounds awesome; I've always wanted to try it.

Good to know! It definitely wouldn't cover for mine, but it would be nice to have the option, or at least get a partial reimbursement.

Does this mean my insurance could cover my gym membership? Is that already a thing?