
I’ve mentioned this before, but the fundamental problem with the rhetoric of people like McConnell (beyond the fact that, ya know, it’s in patent bad faith and designed merely to be repeated by people to say why, of course, reparations are beyond the pale), is that it confuses the issue of “fault” with

Michelle Miller put more effort into saving Scalise from drowning then anyone else from Louisiana ever got. 

Counterpoint: No, he doesn’t. He’s a genuinely good person who is imperfect, like everyone is, but is actually willing to learn and grow.

I saw on Twitter that a lot of people are pointing to this guy’s unearned white male confidence, which allowed him to go on stage and interrupt a presidential candidate.

This is what you get when you let someone accustomed to applying their “Art of the Deal” tactics to Monopoly games, play in the real world: humans die.

Can we stop ever making posts like this with no headline link? It’s really aggravating.

I don’t buy for a second that the unsullied and the Dothraki, who have been life and death across the seas battle after battle loyal to Dany would have just shrugged their shoulders at her murder..”eh, the murderer gets to live and his brother will take our Queen’s place as ruler? Ok guys cool beans!”

Representative Ocasio-Cortez makes it easy to love her in a lot of ways. Her fire, passion, and commitment to do the job she was elected to dorather than just focusing on getting reelected from the first day of her term—are a refreshing set of changes from the daily grind of political prevarication and mealy-mouthed

Hey! I was watching that!  Dammit.

Sushi doesn’t go with crackers.

Study: Black Girls Feel the Impact of ‘Adultification Racism,’ Especially in School Everywhere.

TLDR; You know it’s Reagan’s fault. He’s the one who let the godhumpers into the halls of power back in the early 80s. They’ve been running roughshod over women’s rights ever since.

As always, I am hesitant to reply to comments with the knowledge that the Kinja system elevates Staff contributions and thus the comments themselves, but I want to address this since I’ve seen it pop up a couple of times in my notifications.

Made the mistake of listening to his podcast just to check in on the right and see what they’re up to.

NO, Trumpism isn’t killing America.

Jon McNaughton is the Ben Garrison of Thomas Kinkades.

They did this in TN too, when they passed the guns in bars and the guns in public parks bills.  No guns allowed on capitol grounds.  They VERY much do not like being asked about this.

Also in Florida. It’s worth mentioning that the brave Florida state legislators who are voting for this do not allow guns in the government buildings in which they “work.”

But you can have both when you absolutely don’t give a flying fuck about the actual meaning of the words you say.