Wow, I can’t believe you’ve got Condorman and Super Fuzz on there. I LOVED those two movies as a kid. We actually owned Super Fuzz on VHS because my father was randomly obsessed with Terrence Hill movies. I’ve seen that movie hundreds of times.
Wow, I can’t believe you’ve got Condorman and Super Fuzz on there. I LOVED those two movies as a kid. We actually owned Super Fuzz on VHS because my father was randomly obsessed with Terrence Hill movies. I’ve seen that movie hundreds of times.
This Prime Day thing was a complete sham. The inventory has been no more special than what is normally available on the Prime deals page. Is that section of their site underperforming or something? The whole thing’s a full on marketing troll. I’m really surprised Gizmodo isn’t ripping them a new one right now.
This Prime Day thing was a complete sham. The inventory has been no more special than what is normally available on…
I already know how it’s done.
Limited time?! Only in Brooklyn??!
True story: When I was in late elementary school, I once thought I was renting this movie from our local video store, having always wanted to see it, but what I actually rented was A Boy and His Dog. For those who have seen neither, they are NOT similar in tone or subject matter....
Hey, Silicon Valley. Thank you. Just....thank you. Thank you for giving every single one of these App Economy ass-hats a reason not to live in NYC.
As those [shows] come out, as those get into the culture I think they’re, just like what happens in the movies, tools in the toolbox for some of those shows. And what happens on those shows could be tools in the tool box of the movies. I think that’ll happen at some point.
They could solve a lot of those limitations by building an IFTTT channel for it.
Have you seen the new Carmel commercials that just started playing on NY1 this week? They pretty much flat out call Uber drivers a bunch of rapists. It is an AMAZINGly insane commercial.
The moment we’ve all cut our cable and the broadcast networks have fully finished transforming themselves into closed-circuit entertainment channels for hospice care facilities, you can rest assured we’ll have ads on Netflix. You know, to keep subscription costs down, or because it’s somehow become supernaturally…
Actually, the organic web-shooters in Sam Raimi’s Spider-man were themselves inspired by the comic books: Spider-man 2099. The Spider-man run of the 2099 comics were pretty much the only one considered any good (and rightly so). Not only did that series introduce a version of Spider-man with organic web-shooters, it…
If capitalism is fair then unionism must be. If men have a right to capitalize their ideas and the resources of their country, then that implies the right of men to capitalize their labor.
For me, its failure amounts to a lot of really small bad decisions, that when packed together undermine much of what it seemed like it was intending to do, as if nobody spent the time to think about the impact they would have.
Hehe. “Have you tried more wrench?” Hehehe.
It’s basically the Candy Crush of chat apps. Take the money and run, kids. Take the money and RUN.
But...then my girlfriend will no longer be able to make fun of me for the 3 days worth of spare time I put off starting a new game creating an avatar that looks just like me. She will be disappointed.
The moment in this scene when all the guys he had just taken down all slowly got back up again and started coming back at him at once is the moment I one hundred percent committed to this show. That was just fantastic.
And yet, still no Quantum Leap revival....