
I’m with you dude. Since I don’t really play any switch games online (tried Splatoon 2 and sold it in 24h), I’m going down the hacking route as soon as it’s viable to the general public.
If Nintendo wants to have this rudimentary online service that costs money and gives you 0 benefits (smartphone app for chatting?

Hell yeah, anyone who enjoys AG is a friend of mine. Great suggestion, his cover of diamond eyes is unbelievably good.


Lol I love how you call it “Dark Souls zone”, that’s exactly what I told my wife when I first got to that world!

The item you posted here is made of aluminum instead of cheap plastic AND it costs 60 dollars, 33% less than what Nintendo is charging for their crappy solution. I guess you made everyone else’s point by yourself.

I understood the point of making a “blip” as you’ve thoroughly explained in your comment but make no mistake, this article still feels lazy AF.

Just update the past article and post it again with an [UPDATED] tag on the title. This feels like a cheap clickbait so users can see more ads.


Damn, that reminds me of the time my brother deleted my 100% save file on Ocarina of Time while I was away on my exchange program (complete with all Golden Skulltulas, bottles, heart containers, Biggoron Sword...). He was SO lucky I was in a different continent...

I completely agree with you, however I’ll add that saving awesome weapons on games was a habit that always provided an extra challenge, forcing me to “git gud” and get through really tough situations with an added layer of complexity (Resident Evil VII comes to mind).

This is awesome. I remember reading the comment and never thought this article would actually be published. You should totally make this a new session “The regular every day normal gamer”