
My thing with Schumer is, as great as a lot of her show is, and as sharp and salient as her points can be, she still resorts to the same myopic "I'm just telling jokes, stop censoring me, get a sense of humour" shtick all the creepy dudes in comedy do when they get called out. Her hiring and consistent defence of Kurt

For better or worse, I think Dunham is at least earnest in her passions for feminism and social justice, so I've always been a bit baffled that she willingly lets herself be a crutch for Swift's obvious PR exercise. I'm guessing she likes being the cool girl for once.

One day I will possess the magic he has used to convince the world he can actually act, but until then, constant vigilance.

Sort of? She's not selling it in her music so much as her #Girlsquad tour & promo circles, and using it as a shield when necessary. She doesn't really speak up for anything because that would taint the brand. I say she's more like Amy Schumer than Dunham - I totally believe if Schumer found out she could make more

The sheer length of it was exhausting and utterly unnecessary, but she keeps doing this to the point where those words and her intent are meaningless. I genuinely don't think she understands how much hurt she keeps causing, particularly the the cause she so clearly cares about.

Hey, when a literal hate group sprung up around that film because its mere existence was such an affront to alt-right creeps, I was happy to give it my money.

This is really the problem with discussing misogyny & issues with modern feminism, especially online. You can get nuanced talks going but it's tough to keep it moving forward when there's a bunch of braying jackals screaming about how Dunham's too ugly or whatever. You can ignore those people but the chances are

Honestly, as much as I'd like her to go away, at least in her inescapable public presence, she offers a perfect example of the failings of modern, watered down corporate friendly celebrity feminism that caters almost exclusively to straight white women with money. It can be hard to have that discussion without being

In the movie of her life, she'll be played by Eddie Redmayne.

In the movie of her life, she'll be played by Eddie Redmayne.

I don't get how she couldn't just leave her perfectly salient point about getting over one's entrenched abortion stigma as it was, because that was strong stuff. Even the most progressive allies of the pro-choice movement can be prone to sniffy moments of "Well I would never need to do it" and so on, and acknowledging

She just loves trying to make every social issue about herself. Here's her speech on LGBTQ rights.

You'd think she'd get by now, after having to go through this entire routine about twenty times a year, that maybe her trying to help is a bad idea and she should just leave us all alone. She's like the PETA of feminism.

It's a weird property because it's not a big enough name or part of an established brand like Marvel to justify casting a lesser known actor, but we don't really make A List leading stars anymore that could carry something like this that would need at least a $120-150m budget. I guess you could get one of the Chrises

I think that's its appeal, to be honest. It's a very specific formula but it's one Hollywood doesn't really play around with these days. Maybe if the Tomb Raider reboot film does well, there will be more audience hunger for an old fashioned Lara Croft Meets Indiana Jones Meets pulpy adventure story.

The reviews I've heard so far from critic friends of the film suggest it's somehow even more offensive than you imagine it to be.

I'm hoping his adaptation of The Sisters Brothers with Jacques Audiard actually starts filming some time next year.

The sheer number of "Is it time to forgive Mel Gibson" think-pieces that sprung up once Hacksaw Ridge started getting good reviews say a lot about his remaining critical clout.

We also don't really have the same kind of star driven system we used to. Franchises matter more than the actors. There are very few actors currently working who can sell a movie to the top of the box office based on their name alone now, and the ones who do don't really fit the traditional mould. Look at Melissa

Everything about Passengers screams "We just made this for the fun Lawrence-Pratt press tour".