Well what i can say from my limited time playing Overwatch doing solo competitive:
Well what i can say from my limited time playing Overwatch doing solo competitive:
I used to think the same thing, but after spending enough time looking at the R33. It starts to grow on you.
You have some Options lol
I used to work for a company where they thought it was funny to make the name on my id badge/access card “snoop dog”. The puzzled looks on their faces when i asked them to change it to my real name still boggles me. What finally pissed me off enough to quit was when the supervisor of my department (she’s been in…
I miss the alternate costumes for your squad after loyalty missions are complete.
you’re not supposed to know about the sentient toque!
While I won’t doubt that there are more dangerous places in Ontario to drive on. I was merely just making a personal observation. I commute regularly on the 400/401 hwys and from spring to fall i’m usually doing it by motorcycle. The amount of distracted and generally bad driving I see is surprising , though that…
yup I agree , the kett designs bother me even more. When i close my eyes and think of how the kett work in the story, i start picturing a zerg/xenomorph like race and now i wished they had based the game off something like the Rachni wars. We get an entire new galexy and bipedal lifeforms are the norm and majority…
in Ontario it’s 50kph over, but to be honest the 400 hwy is already pretty dangerous without them speeding on it.
You should be fine, My Friend had a great time playing it and he only went back to play the others afterwards. Its pretty well self contained.
Hand down the throat is a sure fire way to turn the tables on the dog. especially if they already have your hand, its always easier to go in than trying to pull it out.
Man the research is like the best part , trying to balance the performance to wallet ratios are always fun lol.
I used to feel the same way as you in regards to sombra, until i started approaching her differently. She’s an offensive support hero imo . A Sombra player that understands that their job is to go in, disrupt , set up kills & GET OUT is truly something frustrating to play against. Her skill set is perfect for…
I was hoping to see goku posted after that , thanks lol
I Never known i needed something in my life until i saw this on my Screen!
i’m gonna try this thanks
You know , the more Overwatch clips i see on this site. makes me realize i really do belong in bronze lmao.
Part of me is wondering if this is just his renders to showoff his New “this isn’t fox engine” Engine.