
PTSD??? Ok if these women who he employs come out and say he abused power etc etc I will change my tune, but lets not put cheating in the same category as abuse please.

“gaslighted” - source?

Also women cheat. It has nothing to do with equality. You can also be a feminist and date a (male or female) model. Like what does that have to do with anything?

Oh yeah he definitely did it. Not sure what other reaction you have encountered, but for me the fact that he cheated does nothing to affect my personal opinion of him. The statement seemed like she thought she was “taking him down” though. Women cheat too, so I don’t think cheating means you can’t be a feminist.

It was that she didn’t tell them until she already started showing and by then they had to scrap all the storylines and scripts they wrote and rewrite the whole trajectory.

Omg did you just compare cheating to white nationalism? Yikes.

Who do we think he slept with on the set of Buffy?

Yeah fuck Ghandi.

Nah I mean she just said he cheated. It’s prob true. It’s just making it seem more ominous than it likely is. Maybe he abused his power and coerced these women but it just seems like he slept with women who flirted with him.

It’s still not a very nuanced or well written statement, I think it fails to get that across. It just sounds like her cheated. Maybe it will encourage some women to come forward but it doesn’t sound ominous to me, besides poor judgement. Not like Louis CK, and it looks like people forgave him.

She could have made the statement without insinuating that this makes him a bad person. She at once admits this makes him human but also says he it negates his feminist image. Like Elon Musks ex wife, her story was nuanced and on point in every regard. This just sounds like a rant that wasn’t well thought out.

He’s obviously more wrong but any woman who flirted with him and subsequently slept with him would know he is married. If you sleep with someone you know is married, you’re also making a bad choice.

Maybe I’m missing the entire point here but the problem with counter protesting nazis is that they are dangerous and armed. They take a black man yelling them as reason enough to start shooting. They saw that car driving though the counter protestors and thought “that poor mans car was being attacked, what else was he

Because the assailant was about the become the most powerful man in the world and they felt obligated to say something, at great personal risk to their safety and wellbeing???

HAHA yup! I actually found out about that after the Nicki drama and was so put off. Using feminism to try and say people can’t say anything negative about her - ESPECIALLY at the Golden Globes where everyone gets made fun of.

I was thinking that too. She’s playing this trial so perfectly it may just be genius marketing.

She may be turning a corner (re: comment on her privilege). This whole trial is really helping me forgive her for past mistakes. 

No, you hit the nail on the head.