This is glorious.
This is glorious.
They both received $16 and $20 million respectively, plus child support where applicable, so I don’t feel bad for them. Also, in his first divorce, it was happening when space x was about to go bankrupt. He was about to declare bankruptcy on Christmas Eve 2008 (I think) but then secured $20 million from investors to…
I don’t have an opinion on him either way but I also know that all CEOs are controlling assholes, so that doesn’t surprise me at all.
Lol, that sounds ridiculous but likely they are both at fault. As long as there isn’t abuse claims, I won’t judge.
Further to number 11 - what if something’s wrong and I absolutely don’t want to talk about it? I understand it’s because I’m awful at conflict but my experience is im better off seething for a day or two and then letting it go. Usually I don’t end up caring about it and feel stupid for caring in the first place. It…
I’m not sure about this one for the opposite reason - I want to get an extra glass of wine and not worry about what other people are doing.
All I want is for Amber Heard’s life to be awesome and for Johnny Depp’s life to be shit. So far, he has only slandered her and suffered no consequences for his actions, as he continues to get pad vast sums of money for being in a movie.
I only know of the story his first wife wrote about him, about how he left her for a younger woman and wanted her to go platinum blonde etc, and then the second marriage didn’t work out. Is that what you’re referring to or is there something more ominous?
My comment mentioned nothing about whether she was a good writer or not a good writer, but I’ll bite - For me, Harry Potter was a life changing book so her writing is very good in my opinion. And as a totally separate but interesting point, she was once poor and is now very very rich. Why would poverty have anything…
I’ll take dumb and pretty over petty and malevolent any day.
Yeah I threw you a star after re-reading, realized it was likely sarcarsm.
J.K. Rowling used to be on welfare but that doesn’t mean she can still claim she is an impoverished person.
He may write and sing about blue-collar America but he himself is not blue collar anymore. He may have come from blue-collar beginnings but he is not blue collar anymore.
RIGHT? When your net worth is $30 million, you don’t get to call yourself an average, blue collar American.
That’s really interesting, what was the ending going to be without the suicide? 13 reasons why... what? Any links would be appreciated.
So it’s an argument against the book, and then it’s dissemination to a larger audience through the show.
The way she had to dig the razor deeper into her first arm the second time because she didn’t make it deep enough and then had to keep going and move to her next arm before she lost consciousness? And then her family finding her lifeless body? Peaceful...
Kim doesn’t even call herself a feminist, so I don’t know why she came into this conversation.
It may be that way in your group of friends but both sides of the aisle can direct similar levels of vitriol at each other.