
China claimed it invented kimchi and the hanbok...? Jesus Christ.

I suspect that based on your comment that you ??maybe?? think that it is not normal behavior for 15-year-old girls to decide to take cardiac medications that are on the WADA banned substances list. Um, yeah.

People here in Korea were already angry enough to spit nails over the fact that China claimed they invented kimchi and the hanbok. The disqualifications has just infuriated everyone more.

Of all the reasons to be angry about the Genocide Games, this is what you’re going with?

Yeah, talking about calls to boycott these Olympics and implying that they are only about Peng Shuai seems delightfully naive. As a Canadian, I will add: kidnapping our citizens and imprisoning them in deplorable conditions anytime China gets a bit pissy about something we did that displeases them.

Putin is already paid for it

I expect the IOC will penalize Russia by awarding them the 2032 Summer Games.

“...calls to boycott the Olympics over the mysterious circumstances surrounding Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai.”

I blame Russian figure skating children failing drug tests on Eteri, she is a child abuser.

Thanks for the reply. I have voted in every single election I was allowed to vote in - every one - state, local, federal - every one for more than 40 years. I don’t think my attitudes have changed much, but I’ll allow that they probably have, at least a little. I have always voted, though. I even went through a phase

I posited that the problem is that young people can, but choose not to, vote. You say that’s an incorrect conclusion, because there’s a systemic problem that causes young people to not vote (and that somehow the problem can be addressed without their participation). You can’t tell me what that problem is, or could be,

Do voters not get credit for having put a Democrat in office in 1992, and in 2008, and in 2020?

“I am saying there may be a systemic problem that prevents every generation from voting when they are 18-29, and maybe fix that instead of constantly complaining.”

I’ll never understand the logic behind blaming voters here rather than the party

Cool story, bro. But I voted for Bernie in the primaries. 

You know who doesn’t vote? 18-29 year-olds. In mid-terms, they’ve only broken 30% once. Just once in the last 40 years. Put ten people between the ages of 18-29 in a room and only three of them bothers to get the ballot in. We are where we are because 1) this is the world that young people want, or 2) because they

People say, every four years: “This is the most important election of our lives!” In reality, the most important election of our lives was in 2016, and we fucked it up.

I don’t think a lot of the actual Right in this country would have an issue with the streets running red, at this point.

street level pro-choice/pro-access advocate groups need more support. especially in rural and lower income parts of the country. More outreach is needed to support reproductive rights.

Counterpoint to the headline: Democrats haven't voted consistently enough over time. It's possible that 2016 was the point of no return, and everyone needs to start thinking like it's 1955 and go all in on civil disobedience and collective action to start pulling back.