
My emergency fund is in CDs and I needed recourse to it during the pandemic. It is laddered but here is the most amazing thing: I wasn’t penalized for early withdrawl because my credit union decided to suspend early withdrawl penalties at that point in the pandemic. Score! Paid myself back already. All good.

But he was convicted, so she’s not the accuser, she is the victim of a crime he was found guilty of. 

Women often side with the men in their lives over other women. Seen it a million times, seems like. It’s sad. 

I don’t think that person knows what stagnant means.

Not the point, but she can make anything look good because that dress she is wearing looks like a lot of flounce AND she’s sitting and she still makes it look good. Also, I hope she gets the vaccine soon.

Yeah, because COVID is dangerous to mothers after they give birth, I believe. Someone explained to me why earlier in the pandemic. Maybe Delta is different (no doubt it is) but I’m not sure (in this case) different is better. Still, you’d think you would just take the fucking vaccine already so you don’t risk giving

I have a CD ladder, and it took me years to get there. First I had one a quarter. Worked my way to one a month. And I did have to take some funds out during the pandemic and my credit union waived the early withdrawal fees (the funds I needed exceeded the CD of the month I was in, so I had to borrow from a few others.

Copycat! Thank you for remembering that. 

Biden is also the only US President who had a family member who served there. I get a certain “Fuck it!” feeling from Biden at times. Like he’s just going to do it because he thinks it should be done. Could his administration have done it better? Yeah. Was it all going to go to shit one way or other? Absolutely. 

Well, yes. Most of the hijackers had Saudi passports. You can thank the GWB administration for deciding to ignore the role the Saudis played in this. And for making sure that Saudis who were shopping and hanging out in the US got home safely after 9/11 (the only planes that flew that were not military were planes

Then we started another war with a country that our president had a personal grudge against because it’s leader tried to kill his daddy. Two wars at once is never a good thing.

I think people know what they need better than I know what they need. Leaders emerge from every group, regardless of education. (And idiots do as well, but college educated idiots sometimes have a lot of confidence in what they believe. I say that as someone with an advanced degree.) I remember what the Taliban did

As an official old, let me say that because of selective service, many men did volunteer but some did so in an effort to pick their branch of the service and try to control a bit of their destiny. Others, I’m sure, volunteered for other reasons. But the men I knew who volunteered (and I was a child then but still can

Thanks! Marking for future listening.

Recommendations, please. I’ve just started that.

Ok, but Judges are not the war bringers, though. I mean, I know it’s all crazy but I’m stuck on that...

There’s a Sigourney Weaver movie where she’s teaching a class or giving a lecture about serial killers and she has everyone stand up and then starts asking people to sit down: women, black men, brown men, etc. Finally it’s only white guys between like 18 and 30 and she says they are the serial killers and then says

I’ve never heard Rise in Power, but I have heard Rest in Power?

Or does she want shey/they each time as in, “When Halsey entered the room, shey/they was holding a cup of coffee.” And is it shey/they (which I’ve not seen before) or she/they. Also, I hate typing slashes, so I’m glad I’m not writing that article.

Yeah, I judged Stodden, too, though quietly. Didn’t email them or message them or trash them on social media. And I always thought the POS they were with was predatory trash—him I judged out loud. But here’s the thing—I remember Stodden saying at the time that this was a relationship they had entered into freely. I