
I am fascinated by her make up choices. I started wearing make up very late in life and always feel like I don’t have it right but then I see this make up choice and I’m like, “I guess I’m ok.” 

I don’t think Morgan is nice, but maybe he has been so to her. “Nice” racists exist. Boy do they exist. I bet that the woman who made a five year old kid stick his hand in the toilet recently—she white, he black—has dozens of friends, relatives, church goers, and parents of her students who are ready to attest to her

The question “Why won’t women just do what they’re told?” is always a nonironic one, but it’s the essence of the patriarchy. Women. And their agency. Ruining it for everyone! Or whatever.

I’m sure the cops would point out that they told women to stay home “for their own safety.” Bad men out in the night hurting women always equals “women need to be more careful” and not “men need to cut this shit out.” Because that’s how cops roll. 

Remember when Boris Johnson described Women’s Beach Volleyball players as “glistening like otters” during the London Olympics? He was mayor then and at the time it struck me as odd. No, nothing earth shattering but whenever I hear an issue with Women’s Rights of any kind in the UK I remember that their prime minister

Boomers often suck, but looking at what is going on in the right wing in this country, and in the ranks of evangelicals in particular, I think there are many, many hatebags of every age who will step up to perpetrate this kind of abuse. The right wing seems full of righteous racists and misogynists. Josh Hawley, Ted

I remember that. Chicago resident and I had nightmares about that for quite a time. 

I, too, shall join you in this corner Harumphing in outrage. (BTW, I hate the tone of this anti-Meghan stuff. I like her and it’s shallow, I suppose, because I think she is a stunning woman whose smile lights up the room.)

I remember when he called Chelsea Clinton the family dog. He was a nasty piece of work. I don’t grieve his passing. We’ve lost a lot of good people this year, I’m focused on them. 

I didn’t really like her much before the jacket, because of the birtherism. But since the day she wore that jacket my response to all things Melania is “I don’t really care, do u?” Because I don’t. Fuck her and the Gucci she rode in on. She’d do any damn thing for a dollar. Absolutely horrible human being. And petty

And yet most people can’t continue working into their 70s, especially if they have physically demanding jobs. So you may have a retirement but it’s going to be grim.

Oldster here, tipping my hat to you. I had shit at 30. Shit at 40, too. Catching up for all I’m worth for the last decade. 

This is so true. Something has to be done about student loan debtload before it drags the entire economy further under. I say this as an older person who paid off her own loans years ago. They were miniscule by today’s standards and yet it was a bit of a challenge even then. 

And yet boomers did not. For some it was a lifestyle choice, sure. For others? Lack of knowledge about what were then new and untested ideas (401K, Roth, IRA). Don’t forget, most boomers entered a job market with traditional retirement plans and were largely unaware as it shifted from pensions to 401 Ks. Non-wealthy

Schools can be big drivers. And maybe campaign/election events as well. But outdoor gatherings with masks are not going to be nearly as much a driver as indoor gatherings with masks (because, again, you take your mask off to eat. I didn’t go outside to celebrate, and I won’t have thanksgiving with anyone but me.

Hoping for the best for you. 

Don’t want to be the asshole here, but I kind of, sort of look forward to a post Thanksgiving creatively murdered post from beyond the grave.

Oh, Cheesehead. You will be wearing shorts half the winter in Finland. This is clearly the opportunity for you. It’s a cakewalk. An ice cream cakewalk?

I hear you. I think she can think about her own issues in the marriage and still be mad as fuck about betrayal. When her husband has a (maybe physical but definitely emotional) thing with a mutual friend, it’s likely doubly horrible. They are both awful, in her view, and I think she should run with that (like with

I imagine they will never own up either way, so she will neve know. Maybe they had sex. Maybe they made out. Maybe that just made it clear to each other that once that pesky marriage was done, they would start up. You can be mad at your husband (soon to be ex) for that. And you can be mad at your friend (already ex)