
“If anyone was stupid, it was the owner for making demands they knew they couldn’t enforce. The service writer knew what he was doing, I guarantee they were calling the customer an “asshole” and took the car out to spite him. They might not have even bothered if he didn’t say anything.”

One of the most broken minded

Wündertruck”? All I see is Blundertruck.

“Software” and “quality control” have been mortal enemies since the former was invented, and the late-stage capitalist push to remove quality control from EVERYTHING in order to squeeze out a few more pennies of profit hasn’t helped matters.

I’m obviously a sample size of 1, but not too long ago, I took a gander at their configurator and just closed the tab as soon as I saw how many trim options there were.

When any pleb with near a hundred grand worth of buying power can get an EV that will do 0-60 in under 4 seconds, of course that metric loses the panache it used to have to super and hypercar makers.

Don’t let Jesus take the Wheel, the dude is famous for walking everywhere. He has no idea how to drive.

Jalopnik: thank you for your comment. It means a lot to us... in that any kind of comment, good or bad, counts as engagement so we can get more ad revenue.

In three months that 4runner will be on FB Marketplace looking new with “Salvage title due to minor bumper damage” in the description

Hard to reconcile the complete destruction of the vehicle with ‘man was treated for minor injuries’. That aside, dude is an automatic nominee for Darwin Award.

I don’t know what’s worse. Out of shape cops who would just go ahead and shoot you since there’s no way they can catch you, or beefcake cops who will stand on your neck in a roid rage 🤔

In high school I worked at a wendy’s and one of the regular crew guys showed up in a brand new car one evening. Which is weird since, you know minimum wage...anyway. He did the same thing, took it for a test drive and figured he could just keep it. He had it for almost a week until he mysteriously stopped showing up

These people are not very civic minded.

Getting near an orca and it’s calf? How is this guy still even alive? 

Yes you should be concerned about how a government run bridge is operated. Especially when it comes to banning a display of inclusion and the message of equality for all. When governement is allowed to ban certain things only for internal prejudices based on hate and sectarian religious beliefs then you should be

Nah, you’re just a bigot.

the far right has made the word “freedom” not mean freedom anymore. 

Another cool car I’ll never afford.

White boys mad they are being treated the way they demand not white people be treated and are somehow mad. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

What a piss poor comparison...