
Glad this version has a solid roof.  The glass roof seems like such a bad idea especially having it as a mandatory option.  Considering most of these will be sold in Cali it seems like they should’ve done some better market planning.  Did no one notice in testing that these things turn their passengers into a baked


This website hates cops...”

The Sphynx emerges in 2023 with a new riddle:

A few years ago, there was a robbery in a NYC cell phone store. Cops from at least two different precincts responded. Instead of coordinating their engagement of the perp, they went in “Wild West” style. One cop ended up shooting and killing another cop, and instead of charging the killer cop for “negligence” at

the LAPD isn’t willing to admit that the cop was hit by a fellow cop’s cruiser, probably because it makes the LAPD look dangerous and inept.

“These thieving motherfuckers are even starting to dress like us. Diabolical.”Officer Nearsighted

I bet he thought the cop was the perp

Levels on the shifter lower than D (like 1, 2, 3).” Useful on long steep downhill grades - set the transmission one or two levels lower and let engine compression hold the car at or near desired speed. without touching the brakes.  

Of course. But the whole point is to get the thing off his hands so someone else can deal with the hassle. He's just saying that he's not going to entertain offers by people who just want a couple parts. It's the whole thing or nothing.

It will not come as much of a surprise to learn that Pinnix has been fired from her job at Capital Rx where she was a talent acquisition specialist, whatever that means.

Here’s the difference:

Democrat gets caught doing shady, illegal shit
Democrats: Let him burn!!! Off to jail for you!

Former Republican president with 4 indictments, 100's of charges, multiple sexual assaults, tax evasion and so on

Republicans: B-b-but he hasn’t done anything wrong!!
 ( And we will vote for that piece of

That is a special shade of Ugly

Or are held personally accountable (e.g. reparations are to be paid by them personally, without the possibility of bankruptcy to evade).

they found $30,000 in cash and steroids. He faced battery and drug distribution charges from that incident.

I would consider allowing retirement if they also have to forfeit their pension. 

All the innocent people cops shoot for no reason and they take this shriveled-balls POS in? And just 5 years? Who in the DA’s office is taking bets on how long it takes after he gets out to murder someone? Oh, he’s white . . .  ah.

From the article:

Car applies brake lights. Car appears to be heading to the shoulder.