
They were unapologetically American. Brash and confident. They came in as the favorite and they didn’t try to downplay that fact with an “Aww shucks we’re just happy to be here and we’re gonna try real hard.” attitude. They owned that and then danced on the graves of anybody who dared doubt them. And it was fucking

Barron could go to Mother Russia and play for his real father’s country.

If you were Barron, would you ever go on the internet?

Unless things have changed since the early 2000s, the guy with the restraints is an actual Chicago cop. Which explains his struggle to put a white person in handcuffs.

I’ve never before seen someone slam-dunk a soul.

Good thing she was not a black cosplayer, or this would have been a completely different post... on The Root.

Maybe he still has the world record for "oldest man to cheat a marathon"

Oh man, I feel for you.

How long before some hipster craft brewery makes a limited edition IPA called “Julius Randle with Hops”?

Magic’s duty to either cut bait and put a merciful end to Fultz’s comeback attempts

It appears that the only person who actually fought was the cop who shoved him. If not for the fact that he had his department issued Conducted Energy Weapon it might have gone something like this... 

There is -nothing- on Earth that will get white folks with a little power and ego enraged faster then telling them to mind. their. business, second only to not falling on one’s face and begging for forgiveness when said white person doesn’t feel as if he or she is being groveled to enough. The moment their power is

Now playing

Good thing Samir wasn’t driving, he doesn’t pay attention to the calls.

All you had to do was not cheer KDs reinjury, Toronto.

This sounds like a terrible idea that I would seriously consider.

I been looking at Drake lyrics and I’m pretty sure it was Drake (who’s from Toronto, right?) who raps about “the 6ix”?

Draymond Green Wants It Known That He Did Not Scuffle With Drake

We will know if your theory is correct when he starts blaming the white house staff for stealing his jewelry or burying his money in cans in the white house lawn. 

😂😂😂 LMAO.