This is about having fewer people that they have to pay to do the inspections. It might have been purely “theater” to begin with but, this is purely economics.
This is about having fewer people that they have to pay to do the inspections. It might have been purely “theater” to begin with but, this is purely economics.
I first noticed it when I bought my 2002 Audi TT. “Nardo Gray” only came on the convertible and I wanted a coup. I went with the blue. It came out on the coup the very next year. I would have bought it in 2002 if it was available, so, not that new.
Maybe compared to a modern 911 after the 992 version, but, in it’s day, it was much more than just a regular 911 with a body kit. It was one of the most advanced cars of anything on the road.
My dog is always loaded for intruders. Just his bark will scare most of them off. I really hope he never has to bite anyone in anger. Just his play bites hurt.
Is this software only for Polestar?
Kinda has an Audi Quatro feel to it. Good looking car. I’d never heard of it.
That’s what I was thinking. Some version of running the lift until every car/chair on the lift comes around and the first one that went up is back at the bottom.
I hope she never pays for a day on the snow for the rest of her life.
Did his clothes smell like smoke?
I owned a 2002 TT. Traded it in after 14 years. If I could have afforded whatever big ticket repair was due to crop up, I would have kept it. I loved that car. If this car was a Quatro, which is what Audis are known for, this would be a great price. Without it, I wouldn’t bother.
Retired, with a ‘17 WRX. never even had a moving violation in my life. Drove an RX7 and an Audi TT before the Subaru. No tickets, ever. So, there are exceptions.
Both my wife’s purchases. A Suzuki Samurai and a Plymouth Voyager. The Suzuki was so light, it blew all over the Bay Area bridges. The Voyager had a crap transmission that need two rebuilds. We had the AWD version but had to borrow my dad’s Land Rover to go up to the snow because the Voyager was in the shop.
“Fuck qualified immunity.”
“I always wanted to try one of these....”
Tesla here in the SF Bay Area.
I don’t mean to laugh but, “she didn’t cut the crust off his sandwichs.”
Cool! Thanks!
It’s so bad, the article doesn’t even have a picture of what one looks like in an undamaged condition. I was hoping to see it.