
He might have also been planning to sexually assault her. I’m glad she fought back. She might have saved herself from something worse.

How does one “roll coal” selectively? I don’t get the physics behind it. You’d think that crap would always be coming out of their exhaust.

Hopefully, those aspirations are changing to prison shop classes.

Let the cylists he hit take turns once they recover.”

“We have investigated this matter and concluded that the placement was not intentional.”

Especially if a pet food store can rig their shopping carts to have a dead wheel when you get 10 feet out of range taking a bag a food to your car.

That’s the problem, their pension is always protected. That’s the only thing that will make them stop abusing people. As long as tax payers foot the bill, they don’t care.

I wonder how they’re going to explain his actions as “completely justified” and he “fear for his life”? I’ve lost total faith in cops getting the punishment they deserve.

People don’t realize that that shit eats at you and stays forever. I still memorize exactly what I have in my backpack incase someone decides I stole it. There are several places I won’t go into because of some racist BS that’s happened. I still almost have to be forced to go into a Starbucks after all the racist shit

First time I went, they only had a display model of a TV, that was on sale, left. They couldn’t figure out how to sell me the display model. I bought it at Costco. Second time I went because my brother was driving and he was going. I waited near checkout because I really didn’t want to venture any deeper into the pits

It does look better in person but it’s still too busy for my taste.

I specifically got the base WRX because I didn’t want a sun roof.

“The officer then checked his pulse to determine if Winters was the fleeing suspect.”


“Go fuck yourself”? Really? That’s how she ended that? She needs to feel the full fury of Twitter and lose her job.

Now please excuse me. I have someone’s face to go eat.”

Man, fuck you!”

Hollywood should buy the rights to the footage and use it in the next big blockbuster.

Just goes to prove that nothing is really free in this life, not even a pair of panties.

They were just joking...