
It always makes we wonder if they’re really trying to fight that fire or rescue that child if the fire is at a black home or if the child is black. It’s sad that I have to wonder about those things.

I stopped watching awards shows years ago. None of them. No all star games either. I refuse to support the advertising.

“ but eventually you will be able to see around it.”

This is the first time I’ve paid attention and even taped an episode in at least 15 years. The show went downhill after he left. It was barely funny. My wife and I laughed so hard at his latest episode, I’d forgotten what laughing at SNL was like.

If someone is afraid that all the audience would notice is their hair, then the production must really suck.

I had some friends like this, only, they let their kid wander out of the restaurant and into the parking lot. I ended up following the kid to make sure he was ok. He was 6, but, still too young to be out in a parking lot alone.

She’ll never run out of gas.

I recently deactivated mine after not really using it for a couple of years (right after the election). I didn’t delete it only because people still try to message me on Messenger.

I always wonder about this.

I’d run out of gas on the bridge once and the tow dropped me off in a red zone. The cop came to give me a ticket when I told him, “Can you just hurry up and give me the ticket, I’m late for work, I’ll deal with getting the car later.” He ask if I was trying to give him lip. He couldn’t believe I just wanted my ticket

I remember really liking the biturbo but thought the Subaru Legacy GT was a better reliable alternative with about the same looks.

...maybe 15 to 20 years ago, he could do that flip. But, not that day. I chuckled.

If nothing else, Curry might lead the league in passes, not assist, because we don’t know who on the team can make a shot reliably. The way he’ll be doubled and forced off the ball, he’ll have to make the right play and pass the ball. Hopefully, he’ll get a few assist out of it.

“I’m just happy to be here with my blacks.”

I mean, it’s not like they’re using infrared or night vision technology to seek the cops out. Someone has to see a cop to report where he is. They’re visible. That’s why people can find them. Everyone knows where a police station is and people aren’t storming the gates attacking them.

Oh shit!

Now I wanna see if I can find it on Amazon and give it to a high school student. I might mail it to one in Georgia.

Rat assed bastards! I wonder how they’ll twist themselves into knots to justify this one? If he’s not charged and convicted of voluntary manslaughter, then they might as well throw that charge out of the books. To make the statement that “a gun was found in the house” is a bullshit statement. It’s fucking Texas. I bet

What a dumb question! A salad should go in or on whatever the person eating the salad wants it to. If they want to eat it out of a paper towel, more power to them. This constant, “What’s the right way to do shit?” is tiring. Why the constant need to compare and decide what’s better? Who cares?

Why does everyone on the science channel talking about ancient aliens look like that?