“Mango Unchained” All the stars!
“Mango Unchained” All the stars!
“You can’t be a long time politician and not be crooked to some extent.”
Not sure what it takes, but, I had a black friend who joined just to mess with them. I saw his card. They don’t do any vetting of their member applications so, apparently, they’ll take whoever applies.
Aren’t they damn near the same?
When the Warriors were just starting to get good under Mark Jackson and they needed a backup point guard who was bigger than Curry, Livingston was my favorite non Warrior who I hoped the Warriors could get to fill that roll. I was very happy when he finally became a Warrior and I’ll always remember what he did as a…
Tesla makes some cool cars, but damn, sometimes they can be so full of shit.
The only choice worth criticizing (which I assume you’re doing here) is the choice of the guy who chose to rape her.
What do white people get out of doing this type of shit? I never understood the point. Why hate a player just because he’s a different color and has different textured hair? Does he play soccer badly? Did he rape their girlfriend? What is the point? Please, some racist or racist adjacent person clue me in. If there’s…
He could have been dealt some “Racial Justice.”
If he’s the youngest child, it makes you wonder why the father left?
“He defecated in my barbershop. He was sitting on my shelf. He put everything on the ground.”
I owned an RX-7 second generation and would have bought the RX-8 had it come out in 2002. My RX-7 was 17 years old when I sold it to a friend. Never did anything to the engine. Had a starter and an alternator go out and I changed the shocks. Still had the original clutch in it. Once you know about the warmup/warm down…
He’ll probably be forced to resign over this gaff.
He, basically, just lost the team. Even if you don’t agree with the players words, you don’t publicly try to antagonize him in front of the whole team. They know what he’s doing and they’ll see the lack of support and just see the antagonism.
She just earned her negro card. Thought her privilege was gonna get her out of it. LOL.
“Slow as heck?”
Not enough stars.
Whitesplain that bullshit! Go on, I’ll wait...