The infamous breast slime!
The infamous breast slime!
I never noticed before, but hes got a huge head. I swear its like bighead mode cheat in games.
I havn’t played since Innistrad, no money or friends, and no local shop anymore. However this article got me excited about MtG again for a second. Neat Plainswalker and combo.
I didn’t think it was, but I didn’t feel the need to question the person whom I was replying to.
I hadn’t realized it was delayed, but I know the feeling. Totally could use my copy at work right now, nothing to do.
I’m doing the sub by month method for Anime Strike. That way if Crunchyroll already licensed the shows I want I can just cancel it. Eight bucks isn’t bad to pay if I want to sub to see any new anime I might have missed while unsubed. Just like I did for the Starz channel for Evil Dead and Hbo for Westworld.
I pre-ordered P4 Arena and never heard of this or received it, I feel robbed.
That was more in reference to me not going to starbucks because I don’t drink coffee. Not as in what was in the unicorn drink.
Now I kinda want to go to our local Starbucks and order one, having no interest in coffee or this promotion beforehand.
I’m scared.
What I really hate is when I’m Torbjorn and the game starts you hear, “I need armor!” Facepalm, one its a gradual incrase in scrap until you can throw out one, and even when collecting scrap it takes a couple and I won’t throw it to a hanzo before some one whom actually needs it like the mercy or roadhog. I also…
Yeah for horse you see horses in overwatch? Also this was about Genji’s knife boots.
Yeah but I can hide my shoulderpads in wow now. If only we c0uld hide feet like in Fire Emblem.
Realism and practicality never factor into blizzard games. Which I’m totally fine with.
Does this effect calbees shrimp snack? I have no idea if it is potato, wheat or a combination of both, all I know is they are delicious.
38 owners! <hugs his vita> Its ok I love you little handheld.
A friend of mine lent his Dreamcast to an acquaintance, explicitly told him not to save over his Phantasy Star save, and well, trust makes fools of us all. That is why I do not let children, grown up or otherwise touch my consoles or handhelds.