
Those gifs.....make me want to play MGSV.....for tactical stuff, ahem.

Read the title then watched the video, I assumed he had a broken leg because of the title. Had to read the article and then re-watch to see the injury. That will teach me make assumptions.

All I need now is Dan and Q and I can die happy <preferably not before I play SFV though>.

After seeing all the footage of MGSV I have an interest in the series again for the first time since the ps1 game. I became very uninterested in it due to an aquaintance who lorded his ownership of a PS2 over me. I asked to play MGS2 and played 5 minutes until he exclaimed,”YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!” Then proceeded to

Thats so badass.

I still have my Dreamcast, and its still plugged in ^_^.

Just because I have neither, doesn’t mean others don’t! <sobs in the corner>

I can’t afford to go to one con, let alone multiple.

Khajiit have no time for you.

I looked at Chopper’s and thought, “weird it fits and I have no reason why.”

Shoulda made it Attack on Chewie

Now I can’t wait for my copy to arrive tuesday. Sadly I won’t be able to play it at work like normal. Damn you job for making me work when I could be playing this!

That door is my hero. I worked at two restaurants, you see some really shitty people do things like this.

I humbly appologise for my incorrect useage.

Now playing

Sorry, I’m ashamed of my body. Plenty of people look great without clothes, I for one do not. I was also loosely referencing Arrested Development’s Tobias.

Its an expression. Granted I supposed I could have said something along the lines of, “Fuck fashion, I’ll wear whatever.” The point was I don’t feel the need to deny my stereotype.

T-Shirt and Jeans man, I could care less about what I wear, so long as I’m a nevernude.

I hate counter strike, but this was awesome. Good on Soulm8 for doing this.

Now playing

This is what I thought of with the horse riding the tank in MGS