
Family Guy

Hitomi was my favorite until Mila came onto the scene, now if shes not there I will be very very sad.

This is one title I’ll be passing on, not for the idea of leveling bust size, but because It’ll be like Sorcery Saga with dungeons, no thank you to that system. That being said I’ll miss all the ecchi goodness.

I loved the DOA volleyball games, for the volleyball, jetski races, other minigames, as well as the boobies. I’m saddened that this title won’t feature all the girls though.

Mmmm non-freeze dried Ramen.

I was going to retort with some combination of waifu and waffle, but it just doesn’t roll off the tongue, waifle.

My ps4 now just seems like a cheap hooker by comparison.

I can’t wait to play these, sadly I cannot read Japanese, or I would have already.

  • Now you have learned the meaning of Sumo! DOSUKOI!” -E. Honda-
Now playing

In Mad Max its actually Walhalla, a song from the soundtrack is Walhalla awaits.

I’m getting both editions.

Diablo holds a special place in my heart. I wasn’t a pc gamer at the time, but a friend and I use to play the ps version all the time. We had so much fun with it.

For a bit I thought it was the guy’s head, its damned detailed.

Team Kanji’s shadow!

Its a tough call as to who is scarier, her or Bulma.

Decapre is just a cheap Cammy knockoff.

Make Vega female and I’ll jump on that bandwagon!