This looks amazing.
This looks amazing.
I’ll be this person for fun. What if I don’t want to be either gender? Ha!
I’m not a fool, just broke.
I’m not a fool, just broke.
I can empathize with this comic greatly, however it should be reversed, customize then character’s name. Aside from WoW that I can think of which has both on the same page most mmos you make your character first then type in the name, just in case it is rejected.
I have never wanted an Amiibo until right now.
Owl Shinsengumi!
I’m all for any cosplay that isn’t photo shopped, good work!
This makes me very sad.
Now I just need $35 grand because there are no arcades even remotely close to me. That and I’d hog it all for myself.....THE PRECIOUS!
I played Call of Duty just for the multiplayer, but then I stopped buying them because it was just the same crap over again, little was added to make it enjoyable.
It’s times like these that I wish I had won the lottery.
Persona 5 and more Persona spinoff games!
Who’s a good boy? You are! <gives the dog a treat>
I like the anthropamorphic owl. It’d be cool to see as a future mmo race.
My question is, did you have a spare to cook and eat after you found the charred remains? Because the pizza on the box looks tasty and I’ve never seen the brand before, so just wondering if that kind actually tastes good.
Well that situation seems really unlikely, considering you’d have to have every single player in close proximity of the grenade, them to not notice it to even get slightly out of range getting no damage or slight damage, then turning on you, killing you, then you suffer humiliation yet again.
Arggggh! This game just needs to come out, I need my persona/ rhythm game fix!
Best part is how is a person supposed to retaliate after that. Even if he killed one and teabagged him its just not the same.
Well if you need to induce vomiting because you ingested poison, well then that’s one case where you’d drink it.
I didn’t know these were a thing, you sir have made my day.