
They destroyed Deb. And if they’re not undoing that I’m not interested.  They had gold there, and they blew it by having her fall in love with her brother and become a killer herself.  What SHOULD have been: Deb slowly suspects Dexter is the killer, and we watch her becoming more certain and struggle over what to do

Right! I was reading the review and thinking, but this sounds like Person of Interest?  And not one mention.  Also, where and when does this air?  But that I can google.  It’s fine.  


Yeah, it’s actually a false premise, and typical of Stewart’s both sides bs, which btw, he always did even during his heyday.  One of the most overrated guys around, and that’s saying something. 

OMG that is so fantastic, i love it.

Where’s Legends?

I literally cannot stop laughing.  My eyes are tearing from laughing so hard.  

Earlier this week, Wentorth Miller put on his Instagram that he has an announcement coming.  Yes, I totally thought, maybe Captain Cold is coming back!  But, probably not.  I do see a lot of shuffling going on in the Arrowverse though, with The Flash and Legends both.  Who knows.  Guess we’ll see.


I thought it was a ridiculous oversight not to mention Channing.  She stole a number of scenes herself.  

I never had any idea what was going on in De Niro’s mind, not one.  I kept waiting for these moments of great moments of emotional danger, but all I saw was a guy who looked liked he hadn’t had a good bowel movement in ten years. 

I agree except that Tom Petty is dead, and also, even if he were alive your analogy wouldn’t make the best one.  But maybe you have an irrational hatred of dead tom petty, what do i know.  

Blah blah blah... I saw it.  What a bore.  What a struggle to slog through.  And just because anna Paquin wants us to “get over it” doesn’t mean I have to.  After all, Scarjo and Vanessa Hudgens think Woody Allen is a great guy to do movies with, and I don’t have to agree with that either.  Further, this is the dude

Wentworth Miller.  I am kinda shocked he’s not scheduled?

I read this entire article hoping to finally find out what this app is/was, and I still have no idea.  Do  people talk to Renner on it?  Why do people purchase stars on the app? What is it all about?

It’s times like this I remember that Eliza Dushku really, really wanted the role of Black Widow, and she would have been amazing, and I think if Scarjo hadn’t been cast for Ironman before Joss signed on for The Avengers, Dushku would have had a shot.

It’s Angel.  Season 5 was brilliant, and any time I’ve ever rewatched it, I’ve gotten sick all over again at it being cancelled.  How in hell do you cancel that show at its creative height?  And I know whatever replaced it sunk like a stone.  I forgot what it was, but that says it all right there.  All these years

You know, I was reading these comments and sitting here thinking, wtf? The AV Club commenters always HATED her. I didn’t put two and two together. You’re right and I’m disgusted I didn’t realize it right away.

I know. This is really dumb. These dummies are so out of touch. I just shake my head.

So your main complaint about fucking your aunt is she’s not hot. I see.