

So figure Steph, Westbrook, Harden, Wall, and Thomas have to be the first five all NBA guards in some order...that leaves Lillard, Lowry, Klay, and the rest battling for spot number six.

No team is going to win a championship when their best player is Drake.

...but doesn’t have an animal on its logo. Its logo is literally just a basketball. The question wasn’t “what NBA team is named after....” or “what NBA team has as its mascot a . . .” No; it was very specifically about the logo. There’s no ambiguity in the definition of these words. Perhaps it could have been

Shouldn’t the headline read:

I did not know that (I usually watch off the DVR every few days) - that’s great.

Now playing

Funny thing is, the very first answer in the episode was, I shit you not, Warriors related. Unless you already knew that and it was the inspiration for your joke.

Well, if we assume “raptor” refers to velociraptors (and utahraptors and so forth) and not birds of prey, the word “raptor” does appear on the primary logo. Is the word of something equally a valid phenomenon as an image of the same noumenon?

Why don’t we talk about the champion who got it right by way under bid losing the game? Of course her loss gave way to the new champion Nora who reminds me of a Jeopardy playing Aubrey Plaza

Keep in mind that there are a lot of Americans who think London and Paris and even NYC are impossibly dangerous places to visit.

The biggest problem is that it is very easy to manipulate city per capita murder data by drawing lines around what constitutes a city’s metropolitan area. Take StL for example, do you include everything from St. Charles to Belleville? Or just ignore all the suburbs and count only those in the city limits?
This becomes

Ugh, Mexico City is such an amazing place! I’ve been all over Latin America, and and had some pretty crappy stuff happen to me (muggings, stuff stolen from me, etc.), but never Mexico City. Just don’t be stupid. I live in Dallas and there are certain parts of DFW that I would never go, especially not alone, and

I went to Mexico City, saw the absolute fear in the eyes of people when I mentioned going out for a walk, the barbed wire around the houses of anyone with a little success, and I am one and done.

I’m a Canadian who wintered two years in Mazatlán and is in the process of moving permanently to Mérida. I’ll be the first person to admit that when I lived in Maz, I paid attention to where I was. I did not stick to solely the established Gringo areas, but I also didn’t purposely venture into the known areas with

I spent so much time proving to my boyfriend that Mexico (and specifically Mexico City) was a safe place to visit. I finally won him over and when we got there, he was like “I don’t know why people are so scared of this place.” There are a number of cities in the US that people go to without blinking that are

What exactly are you implying about the elite Joe Flacco?

Oh, no doubt his extensive resume also helped his chances, but the fact that he did it is enough to make me smile.

What the holy fuck should she have done?!!!?!! Florida has already imprisoned a woman who fired a warning shot to dissuade a man who’d already beaten her, from doing so again. The story says this woman was arguing in part about keys. This suggests that maybe she was trying to keep this violent asshole out of the

This is beyond pathetic. This is the same brand of misogynoir that slammed and cuffed Jacqueline Craig to the ground when she called the police and kicked her young daughter into a police vehicle. The officers in this video are just as bad as Cashe, because none of them had any regard for Latina Herring’s life that