
As an Automotive consultant and a (IT hack..I build home systems for people) Ill throw my 2 bitcoin in on this. In 1988 General Motors and Mercury Marine engines got together and put and 5.7 in the ZR-1 Corvette. It was a sealed engine. Under no circumstances was it to be taken apart under warranty. The engine had to

Parts Dept: Customer came in looking for a belt for his 1985 Ford. Being I worked in a General Motors dealer, I smiled and said “I am sorry sir this is a GM dealership. However I have access to aftermarket belts. What kind of Ford is it?” He abruptly replied “It’s a Shannahan Ford.” Having never heard of said car I

...with morning toast.

*drops the mike...walks of stage*

Teach them when they are young. Step 2 Ford Raptor!!!!!!!

.....’ nuff said

That’s like having a Power steering flush done on your 2010 Cobalt electric steering......??????

As an owner of two Samsung smart watches (1st gen) I wear them regularly. Paying 100.00 each for them fit my phone, work and just in case needs. Samsung was my choice after apple. It does 90% of what the Apple watch does now, plus rooting it helps more. I like it because can do two things that the Apple cant....I have

The necessary meme...

To think they started here in 85 with this!

"I could then smell a burning sensation."

Corolla..the epitome of beige. Now they put lipstick on's still beige.

.....I honestly couldn't resist. It brought back some old memories!

...almost missed it

I walk past this green car every day to my desk....

It may not be weird, but it is not the most unusual dealership I have worked for.

one word....."Castaway"

my name is Elmer J Fudd millionaire i own a mansion and a yacht...