
It did its job. It Trolled you into writing this article lol BAAAAAAA

I was genuinely upset that Squadrons was not a proper X-Wing vs TIE Fighter reboot.

Really?!? Is it THAT BIG of a mystery?

Good on her. Not enough women own their whorieness.

Weird how the only generation to cry “Ageism” EVER is the Baby Boomers. 

Its Vladimir Putin’s Fault

RIP Razor, Legends Never Die.

When you say “Radio Hosts” you mean Howard Stern. He had all of the 18 year old perv countdowns.

I hope the fucker sinks to the bottom of the ocean like a fucking stone.

I still find it amazing that she was the only one not wearing a prosthetic nose in Hocus Pocus.

Thanks for the tips, I will give it a shot!

Naked Drums Extra Crispy, Extra Saucy with some Blue Cheese to dip it in like God intended.

Rosanne Barr was fired for less.

Your coverage is already better than that hack Greyson.

These women are the same age as the Golden Girls Actors when Golden Girls came out.

How, if she hasn’t tested positive?

Vegans are Anti-Meat. Why eat Fake Meat, if you are are Anti-Meat?

They wont Virtue Shame, but will Virtue Signal whenever the opportunity to pander arrives.

43 Million in 2021 alone

With all of its flaws, the story was amazing.