
How is this different from Corn Syrup?

Anyone want to by a lightly use Rift V1 and Quest? LOL

I hope this is made with Unreal Engine and is moddable. Looking forward the CHOP Mod.

The version of Flight Simulator Standard, in Game Pass Ultimate, is 127GB, how was yours only 90GB?

What about all the other corporate tie-ins? Can we get a guide to those?

What about all the other corporate tie-ins? Can we get a guide to those?

Ahh, you are a “Cat Guy”... that explains a lot.

Kotaku’s new format SUCKS A BAG OF DICKS!

So yelling and screaming at someone you disagree with and calling them a racist and a bigot, doesn’t work? Huh (scratches head)

When in Rome...

...but when he wins... ya know?

Awww boo fucking who

Fuck Tencent, Fuck China. We’ve been in bed with our enemies for long enough.

But do the balls still clench up in the cold? Because that is revolutionary. 

How inclusive of Square and Sony... I hope they don’t chose Denuvo for their PC port, because if they do, it will be on BitTorrent in less than a week after release.

Gizmodo and Kotaku, now look like shit. But I get it, turn what used to be the front page into the new launcher for all of your sponsored content. Pathetic!

Wendy’s Breakfast Baconator was a nice surprise find during the COVIDs. The Swiss Cheese sauce is amazing.

But Why? Why can’t Vegans just be Vegans and not eat fake meat?

It is not hard for anyone to dropship cheap, custom logo’d, MicroSD Cards from China, Alibaba is loaded with vendors.

It is not hard for anyone to dropship cheap, custom logo’d, MicroSD Cards from China, Alibaba is loaded with vendors.
