Art imitating life
Art imitating life
This will only work if they make Bat, Dog and Cat flavored fake meat.
Why, when Chipotle, makes the news, it is always negative. Glad I don’t eat their garbage.
Woke War II was never going to work
Stadia sounds like an STD
Hahaha... Cucking for another streamer with tits I see, Grayson.
Is the browser in the Xbox One a “compatible” browser?
MS will 180 on the External hard drive the same way they 180'd on the Kinect.
No, the Echo Kids Edition, is not creepy as fuck
No, the Echo Kids Edition, is not creepy as fuck
Esther and Eric sittin in a tree...
I find I like Australian Licorice better these days, but yes, it is not a Twizzler without the Twist!
Why the all of a sudden switch to Sex Toy Vendor?
Why the all of a sudden switch to Sex Toy Vendor?
Why is it mostly White women that use the made-up word Latinx?
No. I paid to see it in the theater, and once is enough. I have already downloaded pirated copies in 4k and 1080p.
No. I paid to see it in the theater, and once is enough. I have already downloaded pirated copies in 4k and 1080p.
Jesus Fuck, quit that GARBAGE job!
What a greedy fuck.
Oh shut the fuck up... If COVID-19 started in the United States, you know the world would be calling it the American virus... Fuck right off!
Free Demos? How generous.
Wataburger’s Ketchup, hands down