
Please add o0cacoto0o on skype and your name will be on the list. I made that account specifically for the raffle. If anyone does get one by release date please withdraw the name. This is for the person who cannot get one as I want to give this one at my personal cost without earning a profit. I think honest people

I am, I just made a skype with this account name as a means to contact everyone who wants a 3ds zelda edition. I want to try to do what I can for the gamers and to keep scalpers away from these good deals.

Once I make sure to receive it via gamestop mail, I will see who still needs it and I will do it via a lucky draw. Is that ok with everyone since well, I only ordered 2 and I wish I ordered more so the scalpers didn't do the price gouging they are doing. I for one believe it isn't fair for anyone to be scammed out of

Quite a lot if you consider this.…

I was able to preorder two. I'm thinking of selling one at 227.35. This is shipping and taxes included, but the good news is, no scalper got that one.

Go to gamestop stores, prepurchase still available over there. I got a receipt with the order confirmation.

Go to a gamestop store and prepurchase, that's what I did. I got two, one for gaming, one for collectors.

I just preorder on gamestop and go to best buy. I rather keep being Elite or gamers club than giving GS more of my money, but they're good as a backup plan.

Called it. New 3ds Xl majoras mask. better go make my preorder now. before they're officially out of stock.

They should just make HD remakes for the ps4 and ps3 simultaneously, now I can't wait to see Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 being announced for ps4. This just made it more believable.

As long as they don't make a collectors edition of ps4, I'm ok with this. I love the fact now I can stream without any additional peripherals, but I do hope they add the original japanese language to the game as I want to play this in it's native language with english subtitles.

Now I need to replay the ps1 games again. Thanks Kotaku for bringing back those memories.

With those huge sharp teeth... Look at the bones! If it took the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch to kill the killer rabbit, what will it take to kill this Honey Badger?

I want an HD remaster of the original spyro and crash bandicoot. Sony has the rights with the original games so please Sony. Nostalgia aside, Onimusha HD, Red Dead collection, including red dead revolver, Need for speed underground HD collection. (2 being the best). Anything else guys?

I got all 4 but I wish there was an actual XY double pack like they did with this series. Shame we didn't get steelbook cases and europe did. I'm a huge sucker for steelbooks and that dual pack should have been a good reason to add it, rather than having 200 potions.

Time to wait for the physical disc release on ps4 so I can stream this bad boy. Can't wait for it to be fully released otherwise I'll be grinding my teeth wanting the next episodes to be released. Telltale games is an impressive company with amazing games such as walking dead and Wolf Among US. Wolf being the one that

Spyro a baby game? It was one of the pioneers of 3d gaming with the idea of collecting all to a 100% Heck I still play the original trilogy as they were amazing. Simple gameplay but the game could be hard in some levels. The main important thing for me was the music and fun gameplay. The games after Insomniac,

You guys better do a tournament on this.