
I mean, you say that, but what, they wrote one bad pilot episode, and then went on to make an incredibly well rated, incredibly well-received, extremely popular and very satisfying show for seasons and seasons. It isn’t like the show was a constant set of fuckups, it was some stumbling in adjusting, and then a VERY

I don’t even have to see the autoplay videos because I’ve fixed my browser. But I just locked my work computer and a notification is on the screensaver about the thing playing, with an option to pause.

Deadspin’s bosses, turn this ridiculous shit off, it’s not making you money and it’s pissing off all your readers

It’s not as if many people from the hood can afford WS tickets. Those boos came from people with money.

It’s really the opposite.  It’s amazing his handlers would allow him out in public like this knowing how much he’s hated outside his little bubble.

Yeah, but you gotta figure that the folks who are attending a World Series game are reasonably affluent, especially in the suite sections where Trump was. And as they announced the death of the ISIS leader that morning (with Trump personally performing the five finger exploding heart technique on the guy), maybe he

No, don’t feel anything for that Viper. She was/is a ‘Birther’ as much as her Vile husband. There’s plenty of video out there of her spewing the lies!

As Chris Rock said “there are black people who aren’t even born yet who won’t vote for him.”

They’re saying Boo-urns.

I realize that Trump is the poster boy for the Dunning Kruger Effect, so yes, he probably did think that he would get a rousing ovation - hell, he probably thought the bullpen was going to call and ask him to come pitchy a couple innings - but is everyone else around him so brainwashed they honestly weren’t expecting

Yes, but it also plays into his “most attacked president in history” narrative and by Wednesday, he’ll be saying it was just a small group Democratic representatives and he heard they had paid some people off to boo him. Probably illegal immigrants taking those booing jobs away from real Americans who love him, but

The best thing about this is that it will eat away at him way, way, way more than things like “credibly accused of being a Russian asset” or “revealed almost daily, often by his own idiotic admission, to have participated in criminal activity.”
