Biden 2020
Biden 2020
I just want to say this is one of the best comments of the year so far. Nothing to add.
Happy Kampyre is a ridiculous two seed.
Display temp pizza is the best temp pizza
The deferrals lessened the net present value of the contract considerably, although the Nationals and Boras’s team differ in their calculations. Boras’s team told Harper that, using a 6 percent discount rate, the new contract offer was worth just more than $107 million.
That’s a clown offer, bro
This comment was a layup. Mudiay probably would have missed that too
Do we finally have a Colgate-gate?
He thought he was gonna get to hang w Gronk. I’d quit too if I had that rug pulled out from under me.
kind of
Considering his kindred spirit is Buster Bluth, I would imagine
I don’t know, he just doesn’t seem presidential.
I did a Command+F then searched for my name. Anyone else?
do you mean “Godspeed You! Walking 6 foot 5 liver”
That’s when he’ll come out of retirement by saying “Psyyyyche” while brushing his hand behind his ear. I imagine this will happen at Fenway.
Imagine needing a hug as bad as Aubrey Dawkins did and getting it from Coach K
How could you not mention magpies, whether loving or hating them?
I wonder how much Goodell is going to fine him.
I gave up wearing socks a couple years ago, except for running/hiking or something formal, and it's one of the best things I've ever done. Shoes go on the freezer or outside of it's cold enough, once in a while, to control odor and bacteria. Everything else is fine.