
Biden 2020

I just want to say this is one of the best comments of the year so far. Nothing to add.

Happy Kampyre is a ridiculous two seed.

Display temp pizza is the best temp pizza

The deferrals lessened the net present value of the contract considerably, although the ­Nationals and Boras’s team differ in their calculations. Boras’s team told Harper that, using a 6 percent discount rate, the new contract offer was worth just more than $107 million.

That’s a clown offer, bro

This comment was a layup. Mudiay probably would have missed that too

Do we finally have a Colgate-gate?

He thought he was gonna get to hang w Gronk. I’d quit too if I had that rug pulled out from under me.

kind of

Now playing

Considering his kindred spirit is Buster Bluth, I would imagine

I don’t know, he just doesn’t seem presidential.

I did a Command+F then searched for my name. Anyone else?

do you mean “Godspeed You! Walking 6 foot 5 liver”

That’s when he’ll come out of retirement by saying “Psyyyyche” while brushing his hand behind his ear. I imagine this will happen at Fenway.

Imagine needing a hug as bad as Aubrey Dawkins did and getting it from Coach K

How could you not mention magpies, whether loving or hating them?

I wonder how much Goodell is going to fine him. 

I gave up wearing socks a couple years ago, except for running/hiking or something formal, and it's one of the best things I've ever done. Shoes go on the freezer or outside of it's cold enough, once in a while, to control odor and bacteria. Everything else is fine.