This, like the Oxford comma, always confuses me about why people care so much.
This, like the Oxford comma, always confuses me about why people care so much.
This has happened before.
I think there are probably ways to fix the EC without undermining it’s value. I don’t want that man as our president either, but she could have won based on the results of very limited geographic areas - and that’s the protection the EC provides.
I am very interested in the Kinja to come from this very compelling point of view.
I almost didn’t click on this post for fear of accidentally enabling it.
Are people really thinking Pitt dominated this game?
Well, I just starred Clinton Portishead’s six year old comment.
There’s some good to great Weezer albums, though - but I cannot figure out if there’s ever been a meaningful Weezer concert experience.
Just under 19 over 5 years is close enough. You’re right about decline, but there’s no two players filling the void if he leaves.
So, I have done my best not to make light of people suffering through Crohn’s, but two and half feels like a lot. Is that a lot? Is there anything else on a persons body you could remove two and a half feet of?
To be fair, people have been rocking Che shirts since long before hipsters became the most reviled group we have. All else, yup.
If he went in there to take a shit. And the guy followed him in so no one would guess he was taking a shit. That guy has to be the lowest man on the totem pole, right? Like a beard for shitting in public.
Except they are, in fact, a Premier League team.
2010-12 were all winning seasons.
I don’t think that’s true.
Figures, just as there’s a resurgence of klansmen in this country.
I do use this for my grocer, and I am glad it will be in real time now. But I still want some editorial commentary like “This place is jacked with amped-up post-yoga alpha moms who have that ‘just stole my kids Adderall’ looks in their eyes”.
That dude is like a Madden glitch come to life.
No, he isn’t.
I’ll never get tired of these