
Most Giants fan agree that Annie Apple would make a better GM than Jerry Reese, even before this move.

Is there anyone who plays WSoP who you would want to hang out, ever?

Did I miss something?

Who fucking needs overtime? It’s a sixty minute game amidst a sixteen game season. Ties are fine.

I was kind of saying it for affect. Everyone knows the Eagles have the most racist fans.

If I had a date for prom, and a month before she called and told me she was going with Johnny, a college boy, instead. Then she called a few days later to say Johnny wouldn’t be around, so “We can totally go now!!!!” I would feel better about that than any vote of confidence Ryan Fitzpatrick gets from the Jets today.

There are so many Giants fans who hate hearing the “off the field” stuff like the attention Annie Apple is drawing to herself. They’re many of the same who wish Odell would just play the game and shut up. Third worst for them is what Josh Brown did.

I don’t know for sure, but it clearly not going to Cruz.

Which is ironic because he is clearly deny-.... ahh, clever

As good a time as any to recommend Barbarian Days. I’ve been surfing my whole life and was surprised to like it. Plenty of friends who have never touched a board love it.

I think he’ll need about twelve minutes to figure out how to tear up the Jets D.

I’m completely wrong. Thought I read something I didn’t, but I’m now very happy that I can lose my phone again, and have options!

Thanks, I really wish I’d lost it a couple weeks later!

I’m just an idiot; don’t mind me!

Thank you, I thought it was exclusive. I’m a moron

Thx, need to stay on top of things. I could swear I read it was Verizon exclusive.

I’ve been a Fi user for six months and very happy 6p user. Haven’t thought too hard about updating, but several weeks ago I lost my phone. There were no more 5s left in Google’s store and so I bought a new 6p, which is fine. I mean, it’s my fault.

To start writing his journals in third person

Is there a creative way to tie in using breast cancer as a prop?

Would not surprise me a bit to read that Trump left a voicemail for Obama calling him a “half-nigger piece of shit,”.