
I’m sure Nova fans will treat this quietly all over my Facebook feed tomorrow

That the same place Ashley Manning orders her steaks from?

“That bitch, Meagan. She’s Always in My Hair

I have not seen any of the Captain America’s, but I know plenty of people who love them. And I still always think of him in this role.

Last minute you gotta let them play.

Anyone can say what they will about winning in front of a crowd and all that, but there is something great about just being able to get pissed with your teammates, straight away.

She has the look of someone who fought and survived through her mother’s abortion, then just really let herself go.

That would need the least complicated algorithm in history and calm down

Last letter in “struck”.

I didn’t think he lost his daughter in a drunk driving accident, though I think I’ve heard that be has lost several people to auto accidents, going back to HS.

I might need to tune in for these next few months.

To be fair, Eli Apple had a souffle in the oven, and that shit gets ruined if you don’t time it right.

Wily Mo Pena

So he’s a real “dad” the same way he’s a real “Doc”.

Is one of those Pornhub stars named Cuck Norris? If not, he should be.

Grown man looks to purchase Adderall from a child he says “...could probably use the money”.

Cool! I am hoping something similar happens with rugby in Rio, where people just need to see it before they start following it

You are correct. There are others.