
Someone who knows about CEDA! My school had three CEDA teams and we traveled for competition. We were also a bit on the incestuous side. I’m not sure why-maybe it’s because of the prep time, the time on the road and the fact that while we were all rock stars in getting our points across we were also a bit socially

I think on some of the smaller campuses where this is a presence that’s a problem. I live in a university town and am on campus regularly. I notice that most of the sororities do make a decent attempt to include a variety of different women. In the end it’s about tradition for some, whether black or white, and they

I attended a small college in the Midwest and I pledged a sorority. (Not Alpha Phi but very old, nonetheless. ) We didn’t spend that kind of money in the 90’s for Recruitment (or what we still called Rush). Ours were flyers in the quad, the library, the cafeterias and hand bills given to girls as they passed, along

I saw the McDonalds coffee case. That was horrible. The throwed rolls, otoh-there would have had to have been some incredible force behind the toss. The rolls are extremely light-you’ve got to put some sorghum on them to give them any weight.

Every billboard on the highway says “Home of the Throwed Rolls”. When you pull up it says the same in huge letters wrapped around the building. I’ve been there a few times and everyone knows it’s the home of the throwed rolls. They’ve been in business for decades so this isn’t something new.

Yep. And they bring out more pass arounds when asked.

Every time my kid has a competition in Springfield the group either eats at Lamberts or Braums. The whole idea at Lamberts is to catch the rolls. If you ever make it down there, order an entree and a to-go box at the same time. Take it home because you can more than fill up on the pass arounds and rolls and save that

It was the bride and groom’s idea. My great aunt just facilitated the idea and brought it life. She knew all the contacts that needed met and she did it for free. She just loved the idea of not dealing with a bridezilla or a groomzilla for a change of pace.

I’ve always sworn if I ever married at this stage I’d do something similar. I want the donation tables instead of presents. I also always thought I’d like to include with my very simple announcement that we wouldn’t be accepting gifts-instead, we’d prefer a donation of money, time or goods to charities that we support

Exactly. My great aunt taught me that it was tasteless to bring a gift to a wedding. She never once set up a present table at any of her events. She did set up a very small and simple card box for “just in case”. It was always off on its own, away from the rest of the event and from others.

My great aunt said it was one or the other-present at the shower or money at the wedding. Both is very generous but should not be expected. She always said that a gift at a shower or money at the wedding, though appropriate, should not be expected by the couple.

Honestly, most couples live together before marriage and already have a household. they really don’t need any showers. Gift cards would be better than anything or donations in their name to the charity of their choice.

The shower gift was all that should have been expected if you were giving a gift. If you gave a gift at the shower one should not have been expected at the wedding. My great aunt was a caterer/party planner for many years and she always said that she considered wedding presents at the wedding to be a bit tacky.

She finally cleaned her room but she refused to crack open the Mo state license exam booklet and study. I informed her that if she flunked without studying and I had to pay anything out of pocket for the test that she would have to pay me back. If she studied and flunked she would owe me nothing. (It’s the idea of not

Same with high schoolers. I believe my comment this morning was “I swear to fuck that I will not give you a damn password until this room is clean, the clothes are hung up, the dishes are done and you have all of your clothes that need hemmed on my bed.”

You just keep that dream alive. I’m a single mother and have been my daughter’s entire life. She’s fifteen now. The good part? She doesn’t wake me in the morning. The bad part? You have to wake her. She’s a grouchy little bear in the morning and I know she’s been up on her phone half the night. (Little as in six

My local PP is open tomorrow. (They are open two days a week here.) I have a few extra bucks and I’m thinking of either getting one of those premade veggie trays from the grocery store (already sealed) to drop off or maybe prepaying for a couple of pizzas for delivery and let them know that there will be a couple of

That is how hunting should be. They should follow the letter of the law and use up what they kill. This trophy hunting shit is crazy.

It was a really sad case. She was charged with abandonment and second degree murder.

We had one in my town not quite two years ago. Local girl, very smart, poor family but well-regarded in the community, worked full time and attended classes during the day. She gave birth in a bathroom at her job, is suspected of strangling it, then gave it over to her boyfriend. She told him it was a stillbirth and