
The Republican Party has long been riddled with racism, but what Trump was able to do for us is to make it more palpable. Now we can see who many of them are, especially those that are serving in Congress and the Senate – thank you, Trump. One of the downfalls to this is – who then, what country can we speak to about

While I get the article and understand the points raised...we must always take into consideration that all Bills have to pass in both Houses and then sign by the President to become law. The Congress rules are different from the Senate, and especially with the sliver of control, by one vote that we have in the Senate

I appreciate the fact that they have reached a deal. However, what I think most of us in the black community are mostly interesting in, is the “arrest” of all the officers that were involved. Frankly, why is this process taking so long? Is the prosecutor[s] slow walking this process. I have heard that a grand jury has

Who needs Donald Trump to dictate when we can and cannot. Who died and left him master of the black race or master for anyone for that matter. Frankly, too many idiots are giving this clown too much power. Frankly, I can’t wait to see him go...the guy is a f**&%ing disgrace. We need to vote like we have never done befo

And the human ignorance continues - oh sad! Many of these so-called white people are not willing to learn...honestly, they’ll stay like this until death do them part, there is no cure for them. The best we can do, is to pray for them. There is a passage in the bible that reads (paraphrasing) - “forgive them because

This is disgusting and sick. It is so sorry that incidents like these are still happening in this country. These loose gun laws are going to destroy this country if nothing is done about it. This read reminds me of what used to take place during my ancestors time. And you know what makes this extremely bad? The

I am sorry, but bro is one of the several invidious blacks we've in this country!!!

Your response proved my point!!!

I also believe that there is worst to come…It is one of the reasons why we all have to do what is right come this November to get rid of this garbage, vote on November 3rd to expire his (Trump) presidency.

Despicable! I think she should resign asap. Furthermore, as a district court judge she could be impeached - whose job is this. Does this fall in the lap of Congress? I believe a district court jurist is a federal judge...therefore, it is within Congress’ purview. I hope Congress is aware of this and an immediate

Excellent job, I pray that God will forever be with him in all of his endeavors.

Why you’d to go there? Ignorance will forever continue to embody the human race, at least for many of us!!


There you go - what’s up with the ignorance? Get it together...take a couple classes on ethics...

Oops! just caught on, I never took the time to read it thoroughly...well, it’s gone bad already. Thanks.

Oops! just caught on, I never took the time to read it thoroughly...well, it’s gone bad already. Thanks.

First, the media “central point” always is drama - what sells! And of course ratings! I think Leslie did a good job...she spoke of the Kobe she knew, not the Kobe supposedly raped a female. The media needs an education...if Kobe rape case meant so much to her - why didn’t she questioned Kobe when he was alive? Why

Honestly, reading this story makes me want to puke, it’s like what the heck - was this cop for real? Arresting a 6-year-old, this was pathetic and derange of him. Despite her behavior, this was way out of line. And those that photographed her and took her fingerprints were also sick and deranged. This makes me really

And how about the “white supremacist” who stabbed four black incarcerated inmates spurred on by guards, apparently who had set the whole thing up, as they stood laughing while the crime was being committed.

I wouldn’t say that she is stupid, however, the same she had wished for Beyonce to do, she should have wished the same for others with almost as many followers as Beyonce...this sounds more sensible to me. Thus, I will give her a pass on this one.