CC Cmells

This is really excellent.

Yes, it was a power move, not an “I’m afraid” scenario.

I had no idea about the two young men murdered in the aftermath.

That was so bad. It still pisses me off and I have written off all of Arizona except the grand Canyon.

Hillary only lost by 5 points in Georgia and she got 100,000 more votes than Obama in 2012. So there is genuine hope. I love Abrams so much. She was my state rep for 10 years.

Just here to say that the polls have been very, very wrong at every step of this primary season here in Georgia. They said the Democratic primary was going to be extremely close and it was not. Polls had Cagle winning outright then leading in the runoff and it was not close.

This made me cry.

Imitating the expert with the "low IQ" comment, too. I fucking hate this phrase.

Home stretch, Eire! Hoping for a big Yes vote this week.

AND as Walter said she’s been working for 60 years, so can you even begin to imagine the shit that used to go down, but Tambor’s actions were the worst?

I love the “friend of yours?” line. Derived from, “Here’s your boyfriend...” when a dingus is acting up.

Brave. I need a year and examples of when America was great.

This is really the crux of the Evans campaign’s problem. It is the same style of campaigning that has gotten poor results. There needs to be a completely different approach because of the shifting demographics.

Yeah I’m really glad he did that.

Like knopeout says, you are not your country! I’m really happy to see that so many people showed up to give them shit.

Oh god. Laugh/cry.

Who did what now?

Sorry you were not able to join us! I am healthy single and childless so I always think that I am there but representing so many more who can’t be there.

I gain a teeny bit of happiness knowing she will never be able to return to her old life.

You should see what I look like right now.