
Rattleshirt is going to be a wight wearing a different wight.

I doubt songs with expired licenses will be included in the DLC that transfers over to the new consoles.

A few years ago, there was Drop7! It absolutely belongs in the simple-ingenious-replayable puzzle game club.

Rock Band songs. Minerva's Den. Lair of the Shadow Broker. Undead Nightmare. Shivering Isles. Lots of Fallout 3's expansions.

The choices don't really affect the broad strokes of the narrative, but how you interact with characters in the Walking Dead can really inform your relationships with them, both as a player and as a character. Friends of mine had totally different takes on characters by the end because of how they chose to respond


5e still rewards that kind of planning. It's very similar to previous editions in that regard. I'd suggest looking into a lighter story-focused game like FATE or Dungeon World, which are much more about letting your character develop organically as the game progresses, and not about getting bigger numbers. They're

You probably have to look outside the core books for that kind of wackiness in any edition. They definitely had plenty crazy combinations of things by the end of 4th.

Pacific Rim actually goes out of its way to not do this, though? It shows all of the civilians going into shelters at the beginning of the big fight, and you never see any after that.

Eh, Hotah just has to stand around in the background while other stuff happens. They hardly have to make any time at all!

Yes, the icy embrace of death.

It was not the most well-handled detour, but it does demonstrate just how far-gone Theon is in a medium where we don't get to read his thoughts directly.

That's actually how you get rid of aunts.

It reminded me of Fez.

And Super 8!

They actually shut down late last year!

So, at the beginning, he jumps out of the plane, and the guy is like "he wasn't wearing a parachute", and it is never addressed again.

How do these things get out, exactly? Hacking games like Rock Band?