
As “CEO”, I say no problem.

I have yet to hear someone like you explain to me why 40 hours of work does not deserve a living wage?

I completely agree with the goal you are trying to achieve. However, there are a lot of really simple organizational dodges to get around the kind of rule you are creating (organizational shell games and companies that exist only on paper being preferred tools of those who can afford lawyers and accountants to get

While i like the general point behind the idea couple issues come to mind

So because LeBron James is an otherworldly talent on the court and has been deemed worth of $30 million a year (which would be higher if there were no max salary limit), the guy hawking Miller Lite in Quicken Loans Arena ought to get $1 million a year? Why should Jeff Bezos have his earnings limited because he heads

You are confusing two separate things. Russian state actors hacked the DNC email system, and also Podesta’s email account. They apparently did not hack Clinton’s mail server, any more than they hacked the private email of Colin Powell, the former Sec of State who used his personal email account for state business, and

That would be what the Justice Department is for.

For his part, President-elect Donald Trump has repeatedly dismissed suggestions of Russian interference, even questioning the findings of the American intelligence community.

My GARDAR always lead me to think Harry Potter was gay, or at least the actor playing him.

“Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were.”
Marcel Proust

Welcome to the new Climate Change created world food markets.

Sounds like a really useful feature, don’t see what the big deal is.

I’m confused... Why would you ever drink any type of lotion?

Pants go over your legs, and dogs have four legs.

The monsters only attacked because of the one white guy on the wall. The historical inaccuracy drove them into a frenzy.

They may have all the armour and weapons but they’ll never win because the Wall has one White American defending it and that’s what matters most.

Don’t avoid the obvious: the guy walked into the business looking to start a fight. He was planning on starting a scene before he even walked in. Yet, it’s the barista’s fault for not being a mindless drone and having human emotions?

Man walks into a store which has a well known democrat, leftist political stand point. Proceeded to order a cup with the name of the new right wing president elect who is he most divisive political figure in decades.

Say he wanted “Heil Hitler” written on it. Or the n word. Should the employee just do it? I don’t personally feel so strongly about the word “Trump” that I wouldn’t write it on a cup, but I can understand that somebody might feel that way. An employee is under no obligation to just do any stupid thing some customer