
Starting to feel like Netflix is becoming more of a premium cable channel then a rival to cable. They might as well just have a Netflix channel on cable.

This is the correct answer to the problem. My property does not get to determine whether I live or die, not for orphans, not for priests, not for the president.

i see we had an extra strong batch of Haterade today

11 year olds need to be taught life lessons too, man.

Sounds more appealing than “Lettuce Leaves”

yes yes, if only someone had come up with some kind of device to guard against splatter....but oh what would they ever call it?

YEAH! I mean what does a presidential nominees stance on cyber security have ANYTHING to do with technology? I mean really! What kind of operation is this!?

Close-minded liberal trash bin is pretty relative. Gizmodo is based in NYC, a very liberal place, so you can expect liberal authors. Although I wouldn’t call them liberal, I think they are just level-headed, which increases the chance they are liberal and decreases the chance they are conservative, statistically

Seriously. Apple should be charged to compensate the cost of reviewing and processing this abomination of a patent. This is straight abuse of the USPTO.

They used a haploid embryo (a cell with only half a genome). The definition you gave would be for a typical diploid embryo (a cell with a full genome, 50% from each parent). Google Dictionary works great, usually, but here it’s better to leave Gawker and read the paper from the biologists.

They tricked an unfertilized egg into creating a non-viable parthenogenic embryo, treated the embryo to keep it from dividing, and then injected the embryo with sperm.

I come from an audiophile background, so I tend to enjoy higher quality audio. I will address your points, but know it comes from this sort of perspective. I’m warning you know, it’s a long response:

The easy way around that regulation is to employ subcontractors for those lowest paid jobs. That way your lowest employee is actually an executive - everyone else is outsourced!

So how do you exactly become senior writer at gizmodo? Apparently write a contrived overstated piece of bullshit masquerading as a “philosophical”piece touting the irrevelence of a piece of technology in a society thst runs upon it .

The data that has come out is important . I’m not going to disagree there. But if you don’t think that a hostile foreign power seeking to influence an American election through overt means is just as- if not more important, I think your priorities may be askew.

Yes, I’m a big fan of vanilla, controversy-free entertainment. If only there was entertainment where there was no conflict and everybody was nice to each other.

Ah, no. Sorry. Cable TV is far from the only place where there’s consensual sex, it’s just that they can show more skin on cable TV. Ever watched a soap opera? And where are you drawing your lines? Because on basically every sitcom ever, characters have consensual sex all the time. They never showed Ross & Rachel

It would also have continued the trend of Sansa not doing anything.

Brought to you by the NYC Taxi drivers union.

TL;DR. Company originally claiming that job was performed by algorithms now claims people pretending to be algorithms had jobs replaced by actual algorithms. Algorithms have no strong feelings about the increased workload. We hope.