
I am not justifying anything. I am pointing out that crap information and crap math was used to make a crap point. If you want to argue about how you can make a child a more healthy lunch than chicken, apple slices (or yogurt), apple juice and about 16 french fries then by all means do so, just don’t use crap data.

This article is premised on the idea that the Happy Meal calories are in addition to the regular calories consumed by a child. If someone is scarfing full meals as snacks, that’s not a McDonald’s issue, that’s a family issue.

Eating a Happy Meal as a regular meal isn’t ideal, but it’s not the end of the world, either.

The problem is that a chicken McNugget kids meal is only 420 calories, 470 with barbeque sauce. Considering an active 4-8 year old is supposed to consume as much as 1,800 calories/day (1,600 for a sedentary child) then feeding them 3 chicken nugget happy meals a day is not going to make them fat. They are also not

Also, the burgers by themselves are not really a caloric issue. It’s when you add a soft drink and fries that a McDonald’s meal becomes an issue. A hamburger is 250 calories. Add a medium fries and a sweet tea, and you’re at 720. I’m not sure what items the author was using for his “840 calories in a Happy Meal”

Should is neat, but reality has different views... Women are less likely to be hired because employers still fear that they will want to go off an have a kid, which means they will go on disability for a while (maternity leave) then have limited time when they get back. At the same time, as part of the hiring process

I don’t think this is “biased” or “conservative-leaning”. Saying that THC “isn’t poison to humans” takes a too-limited view of what “being poisoned” means. It’s true that THC cannot kill you, but that doesn’t mean there’s no such thing as THC toxicity, which is clearly described in this article. We talk about alcohol

Ever heard of “water intoxication”? Just about everything can “poison” you under the right circumstances. Sure, it won’t poison you the way certain chemicals will, but you knew what he meant. You’re being pedantic about this. This piece was not a “biased, conservative-leaning” post.

Io9's atmosphere collapsed when it was rolled into Gizmodo...

The people buying 100 at a time might be. Or at least they should be.

I just use this picture for all my selfies. It’s amazing how good I look. I’m not even a young black woman, but if you’re gonna edit your pic to look better, go all out!

well that is because we already have Magical Negroes

Being caught between both systems does bring in some interesting perspective. While I do agree we should move to a global standard (if only for the sake of having a standard), the US system does have it’s own merits. It just falls a bit short in it’s consistency.

Myanmar, Liberia, and the United States of America. Those are the only three countries left in the world that don’t use the metric system

Sorry, but I utterly disagree. Too much violence and crime gets waved away under the “it wasn’t that bad” or “they must have done something wrong” banner exactly because we are not forced to face the objective reality of what is happening. These videos matter. People seeing them matters. It has the ability to change

I have never seen this before, and my life has changed. Magikarp is perfection.


And few people tend to notice that the senior citizens clogging up the malls and casinos of this country and refusing to die so we can get our inheritance were brought up on a diet of butter, eggs, mashed potatoes and fatty meats. My mother in law is 81 and is basically unkillable, and she spent her first 20 years in

You’re going to die one day, so just enjoy yourself along the way.

I actually think Bond themes for Trek could work. It could help Trek hold on to its retro future sensibilities. Trek is supposed to be about humans trying to understand themselves and be better than they are. There’s a lot of soulful music that shares that theme.

Nutrition science is an absolute joke with methodologies and data cooking that would be considered highly unethical in any other field. Just eat what you want, exercise, don’t be fat, and eat your veggies.