
If you’re telling me to put my money where my mouth is, then I’ll happily bet that we’ll never run out of helium (barring things like the heat death of the universe). Sure, the price could theoretically eventually rise enough that it’s cheaper to go scoop it off Jupiter or something, but humanity will never truly run

Fixed that for you.

She needs to go sit in a coffee shop and be judging people on listening to mainstream music.

Yeah I actually googled it after posting this because I was too curious. I knew it was supposed to be toward Mecca, but there’s no guarantee you know where that is at any given time in space, and even if you do, when you’re flying around at 10k+ mph through space, you and Mecca change in position in respect to each

Is this not endlessly entertaining to anyone else? The governments of the world are doing everything in their power to prevent free people from making free choices including spending money researching what color the average human brain determines to be most like poop in order to color packaging to sway free choice.

“Ugliest color in the world” in survey which only includes Australia.

Good Lord.....

Ooh, they should do it like Japanese theater — have black-clad “invisible” stagehands running around operating puppet owls, carrying “levitating” objects, etc. Then, once the audience has gotten used to pretending the stagehands aren’t there, have one of them reveal themselves to be a character who’s been using an

Unabashed Clinton supporter. Don’t agree with everything about her, but that’s the case with all candidates (including St Bernard). But she’s easily the best and most qualified candidate running right now.

I heard they may use the drones to improve park security and “joy of experience” This is good news for the rest of us, but may not be good news for you and your screaming, juvenile meatbag.

I think it’s cause of the whole “Peter Thiel is a member of the board” thing.

You can put these on DSLR bodies and they will win over smartphones because DSLR’s have other things to offer like bigger sensors, IS etc etc.

This is why we have commas!

Dude. Magneto is the king of flip flopping in the comics. Having him just be one dimensional bad guy removes alot of his arc.

Okay, I was being glib, but we’re talking about a film that includes a ‘jokey joke’ about just how silly the source material is, guyz, so the grim-and-gritty was more of a shot of being vaguely ashamed of its own source material.

I totally agree that Stewart and McKellan bolstered it, but that’s kind of my point: If

I think that’s a bit unfair and term gritty is way over-used. Ian McKellan was going for gravitas and he and Patrick Stewart gave the movie its credibility. That’s not gritty, that was a serious touch to get the audience invested. And it was a treat to watch. Anna Paquin’s situation was to put the other dark face on

These movies are really starting to feel like comic books movies; decades of continuity made by different people that really doesn’t make any kind of sense when you think about it. And with huge disparities in quality. Just like the comics, you can pick and choose which ones to keep and which ones to ignore.

I quite liked it. Not as good as First Class or DOFP, but far better than the reviews had led me to believe. The first half was too slow and disjointed, and the second too rushed and packed, but there were some good scenes, and McAvoy and Fassbender were as good as ever, even if they weren’t always given enough to do.

If they evaporate the liquid it is no longer juice it’s only dry sugar. Mislabeled ingredients,that’s the issue.

LOL....”broad national support”...really. How did that broad national support work in, oh say, the 2010, 2012 AND 2014 congressional elections?