
Hmmm... Kotaku going to such great extents to throw in their hat with the anti-mayweather . Yeah, we get that he is a shitty person who beats women and that you want him to be a shitty boxer. But he’s not a shitty boxer. He’s a great boxer who is a terrible person.

The comments are so salty that I can sprinkle them over my french fries.

The bitterness from the results is far more entertaining then the match.

“I work at a 24 hour large casino”

Any psychoactive substance with an LD50 whose ratio of fatal dose to effective dose is greater than 10 (meaning objectively safer than Alcohol) should be legal for recreational use.
Which means cocaine, MDMA, codeine, mescaline, ketamine, DMT and especially Psilocybin, LSD and Marijuana (the latter 3 being far less

I’m pretty sure that if Apple made this it would be designed so that the logo was always upright.

On the contrary, wildfires are a natural part of forests. It’s a layered discussion, but wildfires are completely normal, just not the ones we’re seeing now.

It’s about paying a little every month versus a lump sum payment. Why do you think Rent-a-Center and Aarons thrive in low-income areas?

That sliver should be brown as it is Virginia, not Maryland. Also, WTH? Why you gotta be different Maryland?

well, what if someone proposed that every country is allowed X amount of carbon immission per person? The US and Europe would say “no, we get to use way, way more than that”- and if you ask why, they start screaming at you because they are already “trying so hard” and they “recycle plastic bags”, and how DARE you

Fire breaks are horribly destructive to the forest and ecosystem, it’s FAR better land management practice to make them in advance of the fire. As for seawater, think salting the earth. You’d not only be destroying the existing forest but creating a desert.

Extant started of so well, but derailed rather quickly. The only redeeming part in the end is Halle Berry’s performance

This is the reason why I prefer mainlining them, after all is said and done. I downloaded all of Coven for a cruise, and watching them back to back, I felt like the story and pacing held up MUCH better.

It looks less scary from the side - no worse than driving down a hill.

Yes. And it should stop the few (let’s be realistic, very few percentage wise) corrupt cops. The cameras will provide truth. Something that will help us all... victims of abuse and those falsely accused of abuse.

Let’s just ignore the latest facts that the police lie, cover up, plant evidence and do their own investigations way more than any one thought possible. Who cares about about people whose lives are ruined by police corruption, huh?

You’re proposing replacing a $130, 22” tall, lightweight, off-the-grid clothes washing device with an appliance that costs three times as much, is twice as tall, wide, and deep, weighs upwards of 170 pounds (perfect for carrying up and down staircases), and consumes a modicum of electricity (ignoring the fact that

It’s not like they are moving them so they can build condos....

For many people, spending $400+ on a large washing machine is beyond impractical and venturing into stupid. So no, you can’t just buy a proper washer instead. Space, electricity, and funds all have to be considered.

This would be a great thing to have for apartment dwellers with no washer/dryer in-unit who only need to wash a few items.