The short takeoff and vertical landing capable F-35B, which has handicapped the entire Joint Strike Fighter design…
The short takeoff and vertical landing capable F-35B, which has handicapped the entire Joint Strike Fighter design…
This proves my theory that Top Gear US should have just been Leno, Carolla, and Sienfeld shooting the shit and driving cool cars.
I'm disappointed they didn't file this story under $kaybait.
Psshhh. I jerk with both hands. #JesusTakeTheWheel
That's why I always let my passenger jerk for me. #BothHandsOnTheWheel
We don't get these here for a myriad of reasons, but the number one deal breaker is the 25% excise tax on light trucks otherwise known as the chicken tax. We need a full-on campaign to repeal the chicken tax. It's an outdated tax with questionable motives that hurts U.S. consumers and even U.S. companies - hell, even…
To cut down on cars running down pedestrians, apparently a big problem in Fort Lee, New Jersey, police have created…
When KLM ordered its 747s in 1969, the airline wanted to give its passengers an idea of how massive the plane…
'Oh, and think of a name for your column too." The words sat discarded at the bottom of a Hardigree email…
I'm not going to lie to you: I think most movies Hollywood makes targeted at gearheads and car lovers sort of suck.…
I think that with three, you get egg roll.
So if he uses dimmer switches, will that make it a CVT? :)
MacGruber! Making complicated car hacks out of household materials.