
I'm a professional photographer and I couldn't live without Aperture. I've tried Lightroom and I find it really inadequate as a cataloging tool. Before Aperture I used iView (which I think no longer exists)

Doesn't windows ship with an (s)ftp server like every other OS?

The best advice is to avoid any "too good to be true" deals, especially if the camera shop is in Brooklyn (718 area code) - broadway photo has literally dozens of fake companies fronting for it, and they are every one of them scammers. Check resellerratings first, and mostly stick to reputable shops - b+h, j+r,

How unlimited is "unlimited" with these guys - could I for instance backup a terabyte of photographs with them?

This has got to be one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard. Haven't these people ever heard of a library? I'm not a library user myself, nor are my friends, but it's because we are people who like to own our personal book collections. If we were going to borrow/rent books, the library would be the place to do it -

I am sticking with Launchy when stuck on my windows box. This looks cool though.

I don't think there's any place for animals in the workplace. Many people have allergies or phobias, and even if no such people are around, animals are noisy, messy, distracting and often destructive.

This is all windows-only and should be noted as such.

Looks like a super-lame Exposé knockoff to me, and looks pretty slow and clunky in the video to boot.

I wish the article would describe the options more thoroughly instead of just shilling for Canon's products. Surely Canon makes good gear, but there's plenty of other excellent choices from Nikon, Sony, Pentax and Olympus at a variety of price-points.